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Modules are configuration units that can be reused or instanced through their interfaces in main apps or other modules. As with apps, modules can also be versioned and have their own contexts, which allows the use of processes and registers without affecting any other parts of the app configuration. The concept of modularity refers to building apps by creating smaller parts (modules) so as to enable and facilitate collaborative building. You can link your module to the other modules available by enabling its dependencies in its settings.

To be available for use in the main app, modules must be linked as dependencies.

There are two different types of modules, referred to as interfaces: Component and Screen.

  • Component-type interfaces have a limited functionality and enable the creation of parts of a screen, like an input, a header or footer.

  • Screen-type interfaces have a more complete, extensive functionality and enable the creation of full screens or screen flows.

Both types of modules may also be made up of processes and registers.

After creating your module and enabling dependencies in module settings, you must create the module's interfaces. These are functionalities that will allow your instanced module to connect with the main app or with another module.

As opposed to apps, modules are sets of screens and processes that do not start through a view. You need to create interfaces in order to use such modules and the processes and screens within them. As a result, you will instance a module's content by invoking its interfaces from an app or another module.

To learn more about the instancing process, read the Instance a Module section below.

You can see a list of modules created in your environment on the Modules tab in the dashboard.

Instance a Module

You can instance either the screen-type interfaces or component-type interfaces of a module, which are respectively displayed as components or screens in the Visual Builder.Visual Builder

In the case of a module that contains component-type interfaces, such components are displayed in the Components tab within the Left Panel of the Visual Builder and can be dragged and dropped into any of the screens of the main app in the Visual Builder. Component-type interfaces behave as any other component created within Studio. To learn more, read Instancing a Component-type Interface.ComponentsBuilding Tabs and Left PanelInstancing a Component-type Module

In the case of a module that contains screen-type interfaces, such screens can be linked to any component in any of the screens in the main app through a wizard available in the Actions tab of the Right Panel for the component selected. To learn more, read Instancing a Screen-type Interface.ActionsAttributes EditorInstancing a Screen-type Module