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The merge feature allows you to create integration requests to take changes made in a branch to another branch in your app or module within Studio. This allows a better control over what you include in each app version and prevents the deployment of unwanted changes, as changes are no longer taken from one branch to another manually or using an external tool.

Once you develop and test changes in your branch, you can use the merge feature to take your changes to another branch where your team is integrating other changes and fixes.


Before creating a merge request, make sure you have permissions to the feature in Studio. If you don't have the necessary permissions, contact your admin.

Using the merge feature

You can access the Merge Requests page from two different sections:

  • From the Dashboard, go to the app or module you want to work with and click on the card. A list opens, which includes the branches and, at the bottom of the list, the Merge Requests option. Click Merge Requests to access the Merge Requests page, which includes all the requests made for the app or module selected.


    If you don't have the merge feature available in your environment, you have the Go to GitLab option instead. Contact your admin to have the merge feature installed and have the required permissions granted from Workspace.

  • If you have already selected the app or module branch on which you will work, go to Branch Management > Merge requests in the overview's top menu and access the merge requests list of the selected branch. The list shows the merge requests in which the branch is used either as source or as target.

To start merging changes made to a branch, review the existing requests and their details to make sure that the merge request you are about to create doesn't already exist. If it has not been created yet, you can create it from scratch.

When you create the merge request, you define the branch where the changes were made (source branch) and the branch to which you want to take them (target branch). Once created, you can see the Details section to analyze the changes between branches, and see if there are new, modified, or deleted configurations.

If there are no conflicts —competing changes made to the same line of a file— between the selected branches, you can merge the branches to take the changes to the target branch. If there are any conflicts, the merge request will be blocked and you won't be able to merge the changes until you resolve those conflicts.