Products in Mobile Builder define the set of configurations and infrastructure that an app requires to work. The same client may have an app for business banking and another one for personal banking, or a mobile and a web app - these apps will require a different product as the configurations and infrastructure for each of them vary.
The name of the product selected for an app in Mobile Builder must match the name set in Middleware, for the app to recognize the connection and communications between the device and the Platform's middleware.
To access the Products page, click Products in the main menu of Mobile Builder home page.
Navigate the Products page

In the Products page, you can see a list of the existing products that can be associated to your app with their name, description, model (category that identifies de device model by combining the device type —e.g. smartphone— and the config type), model description, config type, client code and client. By default, the list includes one product. You can narrow down the list by client using the filter above.
The filter used to select between different client’s products is only available for users with permissions on more than one client.
From this page, you can also click + Create to create a new product or perform actions on a specific product using the options to the right, such as editing or archiving the product.
The archive feature is still being developed. If you archive a product by mistake, contact the Mobile Builder team to unarchive it for you.