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Mobile apps

Operating Systems

Android and iOS

The Repeater component is a container component that allows you to build layouts in an efficient and effective manner while using dynamic data through an array. It consists of two components, the Repeater and the Repeater Item (its main child component), which represents the structure that is repeated a specific number of times.

The number of times the item is repeated depends on the information configured in the array it invokes - that is to say, depending on the array data and the app user, the repeater may show different information in the published app. As opposed to other components used to create layouts, the repeater allows you to list elements using the same structure in a repetitive way and use arrays.

The dinamic feature of the repeater refers to the fact that it allows you to configure only one structure and show different information for each user of the app. This results from the use of an array, that contains configured information that allows you to customize the information shown to each user according to their profile. The customized information may refer to differences in the logic or the appearance of the data. In addition, if you need to make changes to the information shown in the app, the changes must be applied to the array and you won't need to modify the configuration of the repeater in the screens editor.

Depending on the project requirements, you can use one of the three structures that the repeater can have: grid, horizontal or vertical. For example, you can use the grid structure to create a main menu with the transactions that can be performed by the app user, the vertical structure to display the list of last transactions, or horizontal structure to display payment options with different means (for example, credit card or debit card).


You should only use a Repeater component if you need to trigger information from an array.

The main benefit of this component is that it makes building efficient where you need to repeat a structure and agile since it uses an array to dinamically add information to the structure. In addition, it simplifies the treeview, given that the main structure is configured once, and makes it easier to update the components whenever required, since you need to make the changes to only one structure.

To use the repeater in the screens editor, you have to add the Repeater component to the canvas and then add the Repeater Item component within the repeater. You only have to add and configure one Repeater Item component and, based on the configuration of both the Repeater and the Repeater Item, the rest of the grid will be drawn in the app.


The Repeater component can only be added within a Panel or a Flex Container. As a best practice, add the repeater within a flex container to start building the screen.

How to use a repeater component in your app

This section includes a use case that explains how you should use and configure a repeater component to fulfill a request made by Goldbank, your client.

Attributes Specifications

Refer to the section below to learn more about all the right panel attributes that appear for configuration when you drag and drop the two components that must be used to configure a repeater into the canvas.


This section is for information purposes only. Configure the attributes for the component according to your project's requirements.


The sections below describe the sections available for confirmation for the Repeater component.


For the repeater component, the only units of measurement that can be used in the right panel are % and px.

Design tab
Actions tab
Repeater Item
Actions tab