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Create or Edit an Environment

To create a new environment go to the Environments page and click + Create New Environment. In the Create environment panel that opens, complete the required fields with the following information:


Click the field or the arrow and select a client from the drop-down menu.


The Client field is only available for partner and superadmin users.

Environment identifier

Enter a unique word or set of words to internally identify the environment (max. 60 characters). This field is mandatory.


You can only use lowercase characters, digits and hyphens to complete this field. Uppercase and special characters are not supported.

Environment type

Click on the field or the arrow and select one of the following options from the drop-down menu:


Environment used to develop and test features.


Environment used to test features in a scenario that mirrors the production environment as closely as possible.


Environment available for end users to work on.

Environment name

Enter a name for the environment (max. 60 characters). This field is mandatory.


The Client, Environment identifier and Environment type fields cannot be edited once the environment has been created.

Once you complete all the fields, click Create. A popup message appears, confirming that the environment was successfully created.

To edit an environment, find it in the list, click the vertical-three dot icon to the right and then click Edit environment. The Edit environment panel opens, with the settings configured when the environment was created. The only field you can edit is the Environment name. Click Save to confirm changes. A popup message appears, confirming that the environment was successfully updated.