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Create and Delete Branches

To create a new branch, make sure to select the desired context and go to Branch Management > Create branch. A modal opens where you need to complete the following fields:



Click the arrow and select the type of branch you need to create. Read Branch Types to learn more about each type of branch.


Enter a name for the branch.


The branch's name cannot be edited once created. Choose the name carefully.


Enter a description for the branch. This field is mandatory.


Click the arrow and select a publishing target for your app's branch. This field does not apply for module branches.

To delete a branch, make sure to select the desired context and go to Branch Management > Delete branch. This process deletes the branch you are navigating, which you previously selected from the branches drop-down menu. A modal opens to confirm the process.

Make sure to delete branches from Studio and not from GitLab directly. If you delete a branch from GitLab, it disappears from Studio, but its data remains on the database.


Once a branch is deleted from Studio, the action cannot be reverted.