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Libraries are reusable transaction flows that help speed up the app-building process. They can be used in as many transactions as necessary, and allow you to create complex transaction flows that invoke several services.

To access the Libraries page, go to Logic in the top menu (menu.png) and click Libraries. In this tab you will find all the Action and Lambda libraries created in your Studio environment.


The Lambdas section in the Action Libraries tab does not show the Lambda processes built in Studio. It only shows all the lambda libraries created in Logic > Action Libraries.

Use Action and Lambda Libraries

To use an action or lambda library in a transaction, look for it on the Library tab, and drag and drop it on the canvas. Then, connect it to your transactions' flow and configure its input and output parameters. The information you have to complete in these tabs varies depending on the content of each action or lambda library.

Refer to Create an Action Library or Create a Lambda Library to learn how to create these resources.