List of Blocks
The sections below contain information about the blocks available to build lambda processes, organized according to the categories shown in the lambda processes editor left panel.
You can also hover over a block to see a brief description of its purpose.
Registers are data repositories where you can store any value, relating it to a numeric identifier. The register where information will be saved or read from depends on the context of execution (app, module, or component). The blocks in this category allow you to assign a value to a register, obtain a value from a register, clean a register and create constant values.
Get |
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Dump |
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Clean |
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Constants |
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Profiling |
Arrays are data repositories with a numerical identifier. In the Veritran format, one-dimensional arrays are represented as lists, and two-dimensional arrays are represented as tables. For example, arrays allow you to access to a table with the user's bank accounts and each account information (such as the account number, balance and last transaction) previously obtained through a transactionand to perform different actions using this information.
Each item in an array has an index number that represents its position within the array. Veritran arrays have their row 0 and column 0 reserved for selector and tags information, so storage of data begins at index position 1.
Arrays |
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List |
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Table |
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Selector |
Loop blocks allow you to execute a set of actions multiple times. They are helpful for tasks that need to be repeated, such as iterating through a list of items. For example, loops allow you to go through a list of accounts to obtain the current balance of a specific account.
repeat (0) times do | Repeats an action the specified number of times. |
while <true/false> do | Repeats an action while a boolean condition is true or false. |
for (index) from (0) to (0) do | Repeat an action a specified number of times, from 0 (zero) to the specified number, with the index constantly incrementing. |
for element (value) of (list) do | Repeats an action over every item in a list. This block is used to go through a list or array. |
break | Breaks out of the current loop and continues running the process. |
continue | Skips the rest of the code in a loop and starts the loop again. |
on start | Starts the connection of blocks to create the main statement, which will run first when executing the lambda process. By default, the editor opens with the on start block already placed on the canvas. |
Branch blocks allow you to create conditional statements, control program flow, and execute specific actions based on predefined conditions. For example, conditionals allow you to identify which accounts are accounts in USD to then perform a specific action over these accounts only, such as adding up and retrieving the total balance in USD.
Conditionals |
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Comparison |
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Boolean |
Functions contain encapsulated logic that can be invoked from another statement (the main statement or another function). Functions help you improve the readability of your lambda process. You may add three types of parameters to a function: text, boolean or number. When creating a new function, two blocks become available:
return (0) | Returns a value if the conditions set within the function are met. Adding multiple return blocks to a function allows you to provide different output values depending on specific conditions set within the function. |
call (function name) | Invokes the function previously created and configured. This option is available as an action block and as a round-shaped (value) block. |
Variables are placeholders that store and manage different types of information, like numbers or text. They allow you to work with dynamic data throughout the blocks. When creating a new variable, three blocks become available:
(variable name) | Invokes the value stored in the variable. |
set (variable name) to (0) | Stores a value in the variable. |
change (variable name) by (0) | Incrementally changes the variable by the defined number. |
List blocks allow you to work with lists or arrays of elements, and execute actions such as: adding or removing items from a list, accessing specific items by their position, and sorting items. Each item in a list has an index number that represents its position within the list.
Create |
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Read |
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Modify |
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Operations |
Math blocks allow you to manipulate numerical data, perform calculations, and use math functions or formulas to solve problems.
(0) + (0) | Allows you to add two numbers. |
(0) - (0) | Allows you to substract two numbers. |
(0) x (0) | Allows you to multiply two numbers. |
(0) ÷ (0) | Allows you to divide two numbers. |
(0) | Specifies a number you want to use in your app. |
remainder of (0) ÷ (1) | Returns the remainder when a number is divided by another number. |
[min] of (0) and (0) | Returns the smaller of two numbers. |
[max] of (0) and (0) | Returns the bigger of two numbers. |
absolute of (0) | Returns the absolute value of a number. That is to say, the distance of a number from zero. For example, 2 and −2 have the same absolute value (2). |
[square root] of (0) | Returns the square root of a number. |
[round] (0) | If a number has a fractional part, this block makes the number change to the closest, next integer value. If the number has a fractional part greater than or equal to 0.5, the number will round up to the next whole integer value with the higher value. Otherwise, it will round down to the next lowest integer value. For example, rounding the number 6.78 will return 7 and rounding 9.3 will return 9. |
parse number (0) to VT notation | Turns a number in decimal notation to Veritran notation (N+XXX). For example, the number 4.65 becomes 2+465. |
round number (0) with decimals (0) | If a number has a fractional part with several decimal numbers, this block makes the number change to the closest value with the number of decimals defined in the second socket. For example, rounding the number 6.78787878 with 2 decimals, will return 6.79 and rounding 9.3333333 with 2 decimals will return 9.33. |
pick random (0) to (10) | Returns a random integer within a specified range, inclusive of the provided integers. |
Text blocks handle and manipulate textual information and allow you to work with strings of characters, words, or sentences.
(" ") | Allows you to type text directly into a block. |
length of ("Hello") | Returns the character length of a given string as a number. |
join ("Hello") ("World") | Allows you to join two or more text values together. |
(" ") has sequence (" ") | Determines whether a string contains the characters of a specified sequence. |
propercase (" ") | Sets a text string to propercase (the first letter of each word becomes uppercase and all the others become lowercase). |
lowercase (" ") | Sets a text string to lowercase. |
uppercase (" ") | Sets a text string to uppercase. |
color hex ( ) as string numeral | Returns a color selected from a hex color picker as a numeric string. |
text (" ") match regex (" ") | Evaluates if a string matches a regular expression and returns a boolean value (true or false). |
replace in text (" ") occurrences of (" ") with (" ") | Finds and replaces texts within a text string. |
pad (" ") right with (" ") and repeat (0) times | Adds a string to the right side of another string as many times as specified. |
pad (" ") left with (" ") and repeat (0) times | Adds a string to the left side of another string as many times as specified. |
trim right (" ") | Trims blank spaces from the right side of a string of text. It returns the reformatted text. |
trim left (" ") | Trims blank spaces from the left side of a string of text. It returns the reformatted text. |
trim (" ") | Trims blank spaces from both sides of a string of text. It returns the reformatted text. |
parse to number ("123") | Returns an integer number value for the text number in the string. |
split ("this") at (" ") | Splits a string into smaller strings using a separator to divide it. The string to be split is defined in the first socket of the block and the separator in the second socket. |
("this") includes (" ") | Determines whether a string contains the characters of a specified string. |
("this") find index of (" ") | Gets the index (position) of the first occurrence of a specified value in a string. |
("this") is empty | Determines whether a text string has any characters in it or not. |
substring of ("this") from (0) of length (10) | Returns the substring at the specified start and end position, where 1 is the first letter of the string. |
compare ("this") to (" ") | Compares two text strings based on the order of their characters. |
char from ("this") at (0) | Gets a character (letter, number, or symbol) from a specific position in a text string. For example, in the text string "hello", the character at position 5 is "o". |
text from char code (0) | Returns the letter or symbol represented by the selected character code number in a character set. |
Transactions blocks can invoke configurable or native transactions, which allow you to implement complex business logic in your app by integrating with services, APIs and databases exposed by a third party or client, or with Veritran's services.
Error event |
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Execute |
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Transactions | Transactions blocks cannot be found within the list of blocks displayed on the left panel. Use the search bar next to the canvas to look for a transaction by its code. Transactions blocks contain the following information: On the first line, the product, the transaction code and the transaction name. Then, for each input, a letter indicating if it is a register (R) or an array (A), its number and description, and its value. If no information is provided in the value field, the value set for the register is used. Finally, for each output, a letter indicating if it is a register (R) or an array (A), its number and description. |
Call API blocks are related to the mechanism that calls APIs of custom functionalities integrated with the platform. Since call APIs are implemented natively for each platform (web or mobile), the ability to use them depends on the permissions granted in each binary. These permissions are validated before the call is executed.
Result Fail |
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Execute |
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Dynamic subcategories and blocks generated upon creation of call APIs in the middleware. For each call API available in your environment, there are function blocks available that allow you to use the integration functionalities. NoteContact the Mobile Product team to obtain more information about a specific call API and its configuration. |
Devtools contains two different types of blocks that are specifically used to perform actions on Devtools, the runtime debugging and analysis tool.
snapshot context (" ") | Allows you to take a snapshot, or capture the app's information, and visualize it in Devtools. This block takes a picture of the application and captures the arrays and registers values in that exact moment to later visualize them on Devtools as a new context. To learn more about this tool, read Devtools. |
console log (" ") | Allows you to log data and visualize it in the Devtools console. |
Next blocks contain the stack of actions that will be executed in order as soon as the process is finished or in the middle of the process in the case of inline lambdas. For example, invoking a screen or another process, or triggering an event on a screen component.
Clean |
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Screen |
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Component |
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Logic |
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Command |
Error blocks contain the error handling mechanism, which can execute a series of actions depending on the unexpected trigger event.
on error default | Default event triggered by any error that doesn't have a specific error block assigned. |
on error with type [ ] and code (" ") | Event triggered by an error with a specific type and code. This block allows you to select the type of error between EVENT, ERROR and LOCAL, and to enter the error code as text. |
on error with [ ] | Event triggered by a specific known error. This block allows you to select an error from a list of main errors (UA233, UA563, ZZZ, UPDATEAPP, UPDATECONFIG). |
JSON blocks allow you to parse and obtain values from JSON attributes or lists while creating the process.
Create |
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Serialize |
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Read |
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Write |