The Settings tab shows basic information about the screen you are editing. Refer to the table below to learn more about the fields you can see or edit.
Name | Name of the screen. |
Institution | Name of the institution or company configured in your environment. |
View/Area | Visual area of the screen you are editing and the site view it belongs to. Both the site view and layout applied must be already pre-configured on your app and screen. Depending on the area of the screen you are editing, the rest of the canvas will be grayed out and won’t be editable. |
Sequence | ID assigned to a screen that establishes an order in the progression of screens. Begins with S and is then followed by three digits; for example, S097. |
Group | This feature is no longer in use. |
Comments | Short description of the screen. |
Tags | Tag that helps you identify the function of the screen or find it in a search. If you add tags, you can easily find the screen using the search bar in the Screens page. |