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Create or Edit an Interface

To create or edit interfaces, go to Global > Modules. Find the corresponding module, click the vertical three-dot icon and click Interfaces.

To edit an existing interface, find the interface you want to edit and click Edit. The Edit Interface Configuration page opens. You are able to modify the sections explained below, as if you were creating a new interface.

To create a new interface, click + New interface to open the New Interface Configuration page. Refer to the image and table below to learn how to configure the interface.


Functionality name

Complete with a name to identify the interface. You will see this name in the Components section located in the left panel of the Visual Builder when the interface is instanced in the main app. It will also appear in the module's interfaces list.

Interface Type

Choose an option from the drop-down menu: Screen or Component. Select Component if you want the component to take a portion of the screen or select Screen if you want to create a flow including the whole screen or more than one screen.


Write a short description of your interface explaining what it will be used for.


You can set the configuration for five different types of parameters: General, Input, Output, Message and Event. The General tab is open by default. Read the Parameters section below to learn how to configure each type of parameters.

To save any changes made to the basic information or parameters, click Confirm. To go back, click Cancel or Close.


The General section must always be completed. The remaining four sections are optional.

  • Complete the Input and Output sections if the interface requires input or output of data.

  • Complete the Message section to establish an asynchronous communication to the interface.

  • Complete the Event section to establish an asynchronous communication from the interface.


Contains basic information about the interface and where it is instanced. Interfaces can be instanced through a view instance or through a process. Refer to the table below to learn how to complete the fields in this section.


Container view

In the case of component-type interfaces, screen where the component was used. In the case of screen-type interfaces, initial screen where the screen flow starts. Select one of the screens available in the drop-down menu.

On load process

Process to be executed when the interface loads in the mobile device or browser. Select one of the processes available in the drop-down menu.


If the module starts through a view instance, only the Container view field must be completed. If the module starts through a process, both the Container view and the On load process fields must be completed.


Image to identify the component-type interface that will be displayed as a component in the left panel of the Visual Builder. The icon selected will only be visible in the Visual Builder for component-type interfaces and not for screen-type interfaces.


Relative width (rw) and relative height (rh) of the module interface. Complete with the desired size depending on whether it is a screen-type interface or component-type interface. In the case of a screen type of interface, the size must be 100rw x 100rh.


Type rw after the relative width number and rh after the relative height number.


Set the configuration of the parameters through which the interface receives data, including the registers required for its use. Refer to the annotated image below to learn how to configure input parameters.


Registers ranging from 1 to 1000 are global, which means that they are available for all the apps within the same Studio environment. Registers higher than 1000 are local, and therefore, they are specific for the main app or module selected.


New key

Parameter name. Enter a name to internally identify the component.


Name seen by the user in the Design > Basic Input section, which is located in the right panel of the Visual Builder when the interface is invoked in the main app. Enter a name to identify the input parameter created.

Internal register

Register that receives the parameter value when the interface is invoked in the main app. Enter the register's number, not including the structure #S{}. Registers must be higher than 1000 - these registers are local to the interface’s context.


Select any of the options below from the drop-down menu, depending on the attribute of the component that you want to appear available for configuration when the component interface is instanced.


Select Text if the value contains a word or brief set of words.


Select Number if the value is a number.


Select Color if the value is a color. When the component is instanced, the right panel of the Visual Builder will contain a color picker section.


Select Image if the value is an image. When the component is instanced, the right panel of the Visual Builder will contain an image explorer section.

Text Area

Select Text Area if the value contains text of considerable length - as opposed to a brief set of words.


Default value. Enter the value that will appear as default. It depends on the type of data selected before.


Click the trashcan icon next to a parameter to delete it.

+ Add Parameter

Click to create a new input parameter and complete the fields described above.


Set the data that will be returned in the configured register to the main app. Refer to the table below to learn how to configure output parameters.


New key

Enter a name to internally identify the output parameter.


Enter a name to identify the input parameter value. The name appears in the Design > Basic Output section, which is located in the right panel of the Visual Builder, when the interface is invoked in the main app.

Internal register

Register that will be returned once the data is saved in the interface. Enter the register’s number without the #S{} structure. Registers must be higher than 1000.


Click the trashcan icon next to a parameter to delete it.

+ Add Parameter

Click to create a new output parameter.


Configure parameters for processes triggered from the main app and executed within the interface. Refer to the annotated image below to learn how to configure each parameter.


New key

Enter a name to internally identify the parameter value.


Enter a name to identify the parameter value. The name appears in the Visual Builder when the module interface is invoked.


Enter the process to be executed from the main app.


Click the trashcan icon next to a parameter to delete it.

+ Add Parameter

Click to add a new message parameter.


In this section, you define the events that the interface makes available to the main app. The configured events will be executed as defined by the interface. Once the interface is instanced, you can see these events in the Actions tab, located in the right panel of the Visual Builder.

Refer to the annotated image below to learn how to configure event parameters.


New key

Enter a name to identify the parameter.


Enter a name for your event. This name appears in the Actions > Events & Actions section, which is located in right panel of the Visual Builder when the interface is invoked in your app.


Click the trashcan icon next to a parameter to delete it.

+ Add Parameter

Click to add a new event parameter.


Once you create a new interface or save any changes made to the configuration of an existing one, a green sign that reads NEW will appear next to the name of that interface.