The Animated component allows you to load animations created in AfterEffects and exported through the BodyMovin extension. This component uses the Lottie library. To insert an Animated component in the screen, go to the Left Panel in the Visual Builder. Go through the list of components to find the Animated component or click the search bar and type its name. Then, drag and drop the component into the canvas and configure its attributes in the right panel. Refer to the sections below to learn more.
The Animated component can only be used in mobile apps (both in Android and iOS devices).
In the right panel, you can configure different attributes to customize the component. Refer to the sections below to learn more.
In the Design tab, you can configure the selected component's basic information and the attributes that determine how the component will look like in the app. Refer to the sections below to learn more.
In the Actions tab, you can set animations for the components in your app's screen and determine how the user invokes different effects and triggers different actions while interacting with the app.
In the Advanced tab, you can configure advanced attributes for the component. The Animated component has no attributes to be configured in this tab.