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Veritran Docs

Create or Edit a Response Code Mapping

To map a new response code from a client's service, first select the product you want to work with from the Products drop-down menu. Then, go to Devices > Transaction Response Codes in the Product menu and click New.

The New Response Code Mapping modal window opens. Refer to the image and table below to learn how to fill in the necessary fields.



This is the product previously selected from the products drop-down menu. It cannot be modified during this step. To create a response code for another product, click Cancel and select another one from the menu.

Process Type

Select the type of process or host that is involved in the transaction. This list is pre-configured and might differ between environments. Contact your admin if you need assistance during this step.


Select a transaction from the drop-down menu to associate it to the host transaction. This menu contains all transactions that have been authorized in the Auth section for this product, both native and configurable.


Indicate the step of the transaction you want to map. If this field is left blank, the whole transaction is mapped.


For configurable transactions, this field is disabled automatically.

Host Transaction Name

Type the client's transaction name. This field is optional and can be left blank.

Host Response Code

Type the client's transaction response code. This is the response code that is going to be mapped.

Host Response Description

Add a description of the response obtained from the host or service. This field is optional.

Response Transaction

Select an internal response code. This is the response code that is going to override the client's response code (Host Response Code field). This response code has to be already created in the Device > Transaction Response Codes page with its corresponding message.

Once you filled in the necessary fields, click Save to create the mapped response code or Cancel to discard the changes.

To edit a response code, select the product you want to work with from the Products drop-down menu. Then, go to Interface > Response Code Mappings in the Product menu, find the mapping you want to edit and click Edit in the Actions column. The product, process type, transaction, step and host response code fields cannot be edited.


After updating or mapping a new response code, you need to restart processes on the VT-Net platform so that it detects and applies the new updates. Read Restart Processes for more details.