Install Veritran GO
Before installing Veritran GO, verify your device meets the minimum system requirements. To be able to run Veritran GO on your device, you need Android 4.4.4 or higher for Android devices, and iOS 11.0 or higher for iOS devices.
You can download Veritran GO from your device's app store. Once the install is complete, you are set to begin testing apps with Veritran GO.
Alternatively, you can download and install the application using the methods explained below.
Access the following direct download link or scan the QR code below to download the app.
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When the download finishes, look for the .apk file on your device, tap it, and proceed to install the application. You are set to begin testing apps with Veritran GO.
Access the following direct download link or scan the QR code below to download the app.
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After the app is downloaded, the installation process begins automatically. Once the .php file is installed, go to Settings > General > Device Management on your device to enable the app. You are set to begin testing apps with Veritran GO.