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Response Code Mapping

You can map a client's service to the platform's transactions to assign custom response codes. This is useful to keep track of the responses obtained from client's transactions and associate them to internal codes.

From the Response Code Mappings page, you can see the mapped transactions and their response codes and create new ones for each product configured in your environment.

Select the product you want to work with from the products drop-down menu. Then, go to Interface > Response Code Mappings in the Product menu to see the response codes mapped for the selected product. See the annotated image below to learn more about this section.

  1. Search bar. Type a keyword to search for mapped response codes by code or response.

  2. Mapped response codes. List of response codes mapped from a service and associated to internal codes for the selected product. The information is divided into the following columns:

    Process Type

    Type of host process involved in the transaction.

    Transaction Code

    Configurable or native transaction ID.

    Transaction Description

    Description of the transaction's functionality.

    Host Response Code

    Response code retrieved from the service. This is the mapped response code.


    Internal transaction response code that is associated to the external service's response code (or Host Response Code).

    Last Update

    Date the response code was last updated.



    Click to edit the response code mapping.


    Click to delete the entry.

  3. New. Click here to create a response code mapping.

  4. Tools.


    Click to import an .xml file that contains a list of mapped response codes, instead of doing it manually. This is useful to import mapped response codes from another environment.


    Select one or more entries and then click Export > Export to download the selected mapped response codes in an .xml file. Click Export > Export All to export all entries in the list in an .xml file. This is useful to migrate entries to another environment.


Before mapping response codes, you might need to map the client's transaction to a Veritran's transaction in Studio. If you need assistance with this step, contact your admin.