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Veritran Docs

Release date: August 2024

New Features and Improvements
  • We added the option to save an interface without a predefined width so that it adjusts to its content.

  • We improved the visualization of the themes list's dropdown in the Settings section of an app or module, so that it shows the name of the theme and not its description.

  • We added an attribute to the PDF component that allows to set a base64 PDF file to be read.

  • We added a validation so that the screen's Name field cannot be empty when creating, importing and duplicating a screen.

  • We added the Commits history section to the tests created with the Low-Code Test tool, where you can visualize all the versions saved for each test.

  • We added the commit modal when saving a test created with the Low-Code Test tool, where you can describe the task performed and link the JIRA ticket associated to that task as with the other entities versioned in GIT.

  • In the action libraries editor, we modified the group dropdown so that it shows the name of the group instead of the ID.

  • In the transactions editor, we added a new output for headers to the HttpRequest and API Rest nodes.

  • We extended the duration of the toast for blocked local repository errors to eight seconds.

  • In the merge requests' Changes section, we hid the changes related to accessibility attributes with empty values.

  • We modified the minimum number of characters required to start a search in App Flow for screens, lambda and legacy processes to two characters.

  • We added a more descriptive error message for the attempts to generate and publish the app without selecting a target.

  • In Used in, we improved the See all functionality. Now, when you click a token within the results lists, you can see where it is being used.

  • We standardized the fields order in the screens import panel and we improved the way in which errors are identified in the required fields (View and Sequence).

  • We fixed an error that did not allow the publication to recognize the theme CSS in web apps.

  • We fixed an error that did not allow to write four characters in the sequence when duplicating a screen. No, there is no character limit.

  • We fixed an error that did not allow to delete the assets included in an app import.

  • We fixed an error by which the z-index of the root component in a new screen of a mobile app had a default value of 1. Now, the default value of the z-index for these components is 0.

  • We fixed the syntax shown in the Commits history header of a screen. Now, the header shows the unified syntax (for example, V00|contents1:S001).

  • We fixed the visualization of nodes in the new Bulk connections modal of the transactions editor.

  • We fixed the Tags field in the lambdas editor so that the tags added can be deleted.

  • We fixed a series of errors that did not allow the correct synchronization of multiple parallel generations under specific conditions.

  • We fixed an error that caused the same lambda process to open twice when accessing it from the processes list or from the screen actions.

  • We fixed an error that did not allow to save the changes made to the CSS of a layout template.

  • We fixed an error in the screens editor treeview so that, when the user selects a component, they don't need to scroll within the treeview to visualize that component.

  • We fixed an error in the screens editor treeview that caused the treeview only to expand the first level of nesting, not showing the component selected if it was located inside more levels of nesting.

  • We fixed the visualization of the Description field in the external services list. Now, it forces a line break in those cases in which the text is too long.

  • We fixed an error in the socket mapping modal of the transactions editor that did not show more than 20 elements in the table of sockets suggested for import.

  • We fixed an error in App Flow by which, when creating or editing a screen, it did not synchronize and display the information correctly.

  • We fixed an error in App Flow that caused the screen cards not to display the correct information on the last modification date and the user that performed it. To see this correction, the screen must be saved.

  • We fixed and improved the way in which Studio loads the list of processes after executing a merge, so that the information is loaded correctly and with higher performance.

  • We fixed an error in the configuration of interfaces by removing the height and width limits, allowing these fields to remain empty.

  • We fixed an error in the screens editor right panel by which, if the value of the Visibililty attribute in a breakpoint was the same as the default value, no other value saved was detected. This caused the component not to respond to the configuration of that attribute and be visible when it shouldn't or vice verse.

  • We fixed an error that caused the Add Parameters button not to be displayed in the interface configuration modal.

  • We fixed an error in the screens editor that, when a view included a sequence made up only by letters, did not point to the correct sequence when navigating from the direct access located in the right panel Actions tab.

  • When importing a screen, we fixed the way in which the modal indicated that, for the selected view, the sequence to be imported already existed.

  • We fixed an error by which, when opening a screen, the changes implemented in different commits overlapped and were not displayed.