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Veritran Docs


You can execute commands on VT-NET to verify the platform's health and detect any potential issue, as well as modify the way the platform operates. With these commands, you can perform a range of actions, including checking versions and objects status, retrieving platform's statistics, or modifying processes status.

See below for a list of commands to execute and, should you run into any kind of error in the platform, find the suggested next steps. You can also find a list of the most frequently used Linux commands at the end of the page.

Commands' Syntax

All system commands have a specific syntax.

COMMAND object_type {object_name | "<RE>"} [,command_options] [,filter = value]

COMMAND: Mandatory literal that indicates the command to be executed. It can be typed in lower or uppercase.

object_type: Type of object upon which the command will be executed. This field is mandatory. The objects available are:

  • NODE

  • DB



  • LINE



object_name: Specific object upon which the command will be executed. In case of using a regular expression, the command will execute upon all the objects included in the regular expression. This field is mandatory.

command_options: Command syntax’s modifiers, attributes or parameters that improve the command’s functionality. Such as...

filter: Filters the objects upon which the command will execute by object's status, activity, type of process or attributes. Indicate a value in this field to apply the filtering criteria. You can use regular expressions instead of the objects' name, and combine filtering criteria.

OUT: Defines an output destination for the commands’ information. By default, the output will show through the screen where the command was executed, but there are two additional output destinations: logger and printer.

Status Commands
Status Modification Commands
Version and Configuration Commands