Release date: June 2024
New Features and Improvements
We updated the screens editor left panel with a new UI.
We added the option to search for components in the treeview and navigate the results.
We added the possibility to move up or down in the Z-index level from the component's actions in the treeview.
We added information about components with configured actions.
We added the possibility to edit a screen's name (as in versions prior to 3.0).
We added a new way to represent those components that could not be visualized in the canvas.
We improved the way in which the error to import a screen with an already existing ID is visualized.
We migrated the following components to a new VTUI version:
- toast
- toggle
- onlyif
- sidepanel
- grid&cell
- chip
- divider
- textarea
- checkbox
- OnBlurEventHandler
- TextInputSizes
- Searchinput
- ContextMenu & ContextMenuItem
- Dropdown
- Tabs & TabsPanel
- EmptyState
- DataTable
- Tooltip
- Loader
We increased the minimum number of characters required to start a search in App Flow. The number went from 1 to 2 characters.
We reduced the maximum number of characters for the name of a new branch. The number went from 35 to 32 characters.
We improved usability in conflicts resolution so that the header is fixed and is always displayed.
We improved App Flow so now it correctly identifies the tokens when they include the expression ";G" in their format (for example: #S{10050;G}). Now, tokens can be properly searched using the Used In feature.
We fixed an error that did not allow the merge of those entities with special characters in their name.
We fixed an error in App Flow that did not allow the correct representation of those entities containing the letter Ñ in their name.
We fixed the order of the Events and the Messages tabs when creating and invoking an screen-type interface to ensure their consistency.
We fixed an error in the screens editor's right panel that did not allow the update of the themes' styles values when selecting them from the list.
We fixed an error in the screens editor that did not allow the update of the Value attribute of Button components.
We fixed an error that caused Studio to crash when executing actions that opened too many database connection threads.
We fixed an error in the treeview of the screens editor so that, when the user selects a component, they don't have to scroll in the treeview to find the component.
We fixed an error in the treeview of the screens editor that caused that, when the user selects a component nested in several levels, only the first level was displayed and the component couldn't be visualized by the user.
We fixed an error in the assets list that caused that, if the branch name contained more than 40 characters, the assets list couldn't be correctly visualized.
We fixed the diagram feature in legacy processes so that it correctly identifies the outputs through the 801 token.
We fixed how App Flow processes the information of processes that include transactions, to avoid generating excessive connection threads to the database that cause Studio to crash.
We deleted the Scroll attribute from the Flex panel component's Basic category.