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Financial Institutions

With Financial Institutions, you can create multi-institution applications within the platform and associate and enable different transactions for each institution within the same app. Once financial institutions are created, you can associate active institutions to the products created in Middleware from the Products drop-down menu.

The Financial Institutions page (System > Financial Institutions) shows every institution created in the environment. See the annotated image below to learn more.

  1. Search bar. Type a keyword to filter the financial institutions shown. You can filter by code, name, description or status.

  2. Financial institutions list. Displays a list of institutions created in the environment, divided in the following columns:


    Unique code that represents this institution.


    Name of the financial institution.


    Short description about the institution.


    Status of the institution. Can be active or inactive. You can change this status when you edit the financial institution.


    Before disabling a Financial Institution, make sure it is not configured for a product in the Product menu. Disabling a working institution will also disable it within the product.

    Last update

    Date and time the institution was updated last.



    Click to edit the financial institution.


    Click to delete the financial institution.

  3. New. Click to create a new financial institution.


Not every project makes use of Financial Institutions. Before creating a new one, contact your admin to learn more about institutions in your project.

Create or Edit a Financial Institution

To create a new Financial Institution on the environment, go to the Financial Institutions page (System > Financial Institutions), and click New. The New Financial Institution window opens.


Fill in the following fields:


Enter a 4-character code to identify the institution.


Enter the financial institution's name

Short Name

Enter a name for the institution (max. 10 characters).


Enter a description of the financial institution.


Check this box to enable the financial institution, or leave it unchecked to disable it.


Before disabling a Financial Institution, make sure it is not configured for a product in the Product menu. Disabling a working institution will also disable it within the product.

Click Save to create the institution.

To edit a financial institution, find it in the Financial Institutions page and click Edit in the Actions section. You can modify all fields described above, except for the code. You can use the Active checkbox to enable or disable the financial institution as needed.

Next, you can associate the financial institution to your products on the platform. To learn how to do this, read Financial Institutions (Products).


Not every project makes use of Financial Institutions. Before creating a new one, contact your admin to learn more about institutions in your project.