To access this page, click Versions in the main menu of Mobile Builder home page. In the Versions page, you can view a list of the existing platform versions that can be associated to your app, and create new ones. Refer to the annotated image below to learn more about the information available in this page.

Search bar and filters. To find a version, click the search bar on the left and type the version's UI or Core version number. To narrow down the list of versions, click the arrow in any of the drop-down menus and select a platform or status, respectively.
+ Create Version. Click to create a new version. Read Create or Edit a Version to learn more.
You need to be granted permissions to create or edit a version. If you don’t have the necessary permissions, you won't have these options available. Contact your admin for assistance.
Versions list. Refer to the table below to learn more.
Platform for which the version is created.
UI Version
Version of the UI code branch used.
Core version
Version of the Core code branch used.
Number set to identify the version.
Status of the version. Refer to the table below to learn more about the statuses available.
The version includes stable branches or tags in its UI or Core versions, with corrections and new features already implemented (green-colored chip).
The version includes hotfix or feature branches in its UI or Core versions. This status is used by the development teams (yellow-colored chip).
The version is no longer available as it contains unsolved errors or was replaced by an improved version (red-colored chip).
More options
Click the vertical three-dot icon and then click Edit to make changes to a version. Read Create or Edit a Version to learn more.
If you don't have the necessary information to complete any of these fields, contact your admin.
Pagination. Use the arrows to navigate the versions list. Up to 10 versions appear per page.