Configure a Parameter's Value for a Product
Parameters are created in the Parameters Catalog without any values assigned to them. To assign a value to a parameter for a specific product, select the product from the products drop-down menu, go to the Business Parameters page in the Product menu (Product > Processes > Parameters) and click New. The New Business Parameter modal window appears.
If you want to assign a global value that affects every product, go to System > Processes > Parameters.

Select a parameter from the catalog in the drop-down menu. Once you select a parameter, the Param Value field is enabled, and the Process Type field is automatically populated with the corresponding data from the catalog.
Fill in the Param Value field with the value you want to assign to the parameter for the product selected. Additionally, you can leave a comment. Click Save to set the parameter's value. This value will impact only on the product selected on the products drop-down menu.
You can edit or delete these values from the Business Parameters page in the Product menu (Product > Processes > Parameters).
After updating or creating new business parameters, you need to restart processes on the VT-Net platform so that it detects and applies the new updates. To learn how to do this, go to Restart Processes.