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Veritran Docs


The Configuration section contains the Versions, Rules, Domains, Transaction Resp. Code and Business Parameters pages. Refer to the table below to learn more about each page.


Create, edit or activate a version, where each version corresponds to a set of rules applied to an app. Versions allow you to configure and deploy rules in bulk, without affecting the system's stability. In addition, if you identify errors in production derived from the rules in the activated version, you can roll back to a previous version.


Search the rules associated to a specific domain and version, organized under specific categories and subcategories. Rules allow you to define conditions for the creation, validation and authentication of users, their passwords and associated tokens.


Create or edit domains, which allow you to group sets of rules under specific conditions.

Transaction Resp. Code

Search transaction responses and see the details related to the transaction code and response messages that result from that transaction. In addition, you can edit the message shown to users whenever the transaction is executed.

Business Parameters

See and edit business parameters that are preconfigured in the AS. Business parameters are created in Middleware and may vary according to the different versions of the AS.