Generally, Lambda processes require certain input data in order to work as expected. In the context of testing, when processes are isolated from real data sources, input data is obtained through scenarios.
Scenarios are sets of data specially designed to provide Lambda processes with the input data they need for testing. They may include the values of specific registers, arrays, Call APIs and transactions.
To see the available scenarios and create new ones, go to Quality Assurance > Scenarios. Refer to the annotated image below to learn more.

Navigation tabs. Click Unit tests to return to the list of unit tests.
Search bar. Find scenarios by name, description and tags. The search bar is case-sensitive.
List of scenarios. The list appears as a table, with a row for each created scenario and the following columns:
Name of the scenario.
Description of the scenario.
Tags given to the scenario.
Edited by, at
Last user who edited the scenario and date and time when the edit was made.
Associated tests
Unit tests where the scenario is used.
Actions. Click the vertical three-dot icon next to the scenario to display more actions. Click Edit (pencil icon) to edit the scenario. Click Delete (trashcan icon) to delete the scenario.
Import scenario
Click to import a scenario.
+ new scenario
Click to create a scenario.