[en] Non-Fatal Issue Types
[en] Non-fatal issues (NFI) are controlled configuration issues that might affect an app's functioning. These can be added to Troubleshooting by a developer or by any Studio user through a Call API.
[en] Read the table below to learn about the types of NFI that Mobile Troubleshooting Tools captures.
[en] CRITICAL | [en] Issues that affect the normal functioning of an app and force its shutdown. Normally, there is a popup that warns about the error. |
[en] WARNING | [en] Non-fatal issues that generate a negative user experience, such as a screen that cannot be found. |
[en] MISSING_RESOURCES | [en] Issues originated by a graphic resource that could not be found. |
[en] CUSTOM | [en] Non-fatal issues configured in Studio through a call API. Read the Troubleshooting Call API article to learn how to configure them. |
[en] INFO | [en] Any issues that do not fit any of the previous categories. |