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Veritran Docs

[en] Omnichannel Delivery

[en] Apps built on the Veritran Platform have a decoupled model. In this model, the app's building process is isolated from the type of device where the app is being deployed. This means that aspects such as the app's business functionalities and its look and feel are separated from the device's OS and its characteristics.

[en] Apps built on the Veritran Platform consist of:

  • [en] a configuration version: Metadata that stores the app's look and feel, business behaviour and rules for both web and mobile apps and for POS devices.

  • [en] an application version, or binary: Version that applies to distributed binaries, both web and mobile. Binaries are not personalized, so the same binary is used for all installations.

[en] The Veritran Platform allows you to build a unique configuration for all devices. This way, each functional or UX update does not require a change in the binary or application version. Each time the configuration is updated, changes are updated online and impact on every channel available (mobile, web or POS), thus reducing time to market. Read Version Management for more information about this topic.

[en] Configurations are updated mostly each time a client wants to deploy a new functionality, or changes on the app's look and feel or parametry. On the other hand, binaries are updated less frequently, mostly when it is necessary to update the binary to a new version to give support to new features or fix bugs.

[en] Version Management

[en] Both configurations and binaries are versioned, and are managed in different ways by Veritran's Middleware.

[en] The Veritran Platform allows you to define a range of binaries authorized to operate, which enables you to deploy new versions of a mobile app without forcing every end user to download the latest version. In the case of configurations, end users are only allowed to operate with the latest published configuration.

[en] Transactions executed on the Veritran Platform contain the user's configuration and binary versions. The platform validates, on every transaction, if the end user is operating with the latest configuration.

  • [en] If the configuration is outdated, the Veritran Platform sends the configuration Delta, and the end user is automatically updated to the latest configuration available, without having to download the app again from a Store.

  • [en] If the application or binary version is outdated, the end user might be redirected to its corresponding Store to update its app.

[en] Delivery Model

[en] All the solutions built with the Veritran Platform can be obtained by two different delivery models: With full Veritran apps, built from start to finish using the Veritran Platform, or by integrating solutions into traditional apps with XpressPlug. To read about XpressPlug SDK benefits and integration details, go to XpressPlug.