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[en] Create or Edit a Domain

[en] To create or edit a domain, go to the Domains page (Configurations > Domains). See the sections below to learn more.

[en] Create a Domain

[en] In the Domains page, click Create Domain. The Create Domain page opens, where you can configure the settings of the new domain. All the fields in this page are mandatory. Refer to the table below to learn more.

[en] Code

[en] Enter an alphanumeric code for the new domain (min. 1 character, max. 16 characters with no spaces or special characters).

[en] Name

[en] Enter a name for the new domain. It may have spaces and special characters (min. 10 characters, max. 29 characters).

[en] Comments

[en] Enter any comments about the domain that you consider necessary. The text may have spaces, line breaks and special characters (min. 10 characters, max. 200 characters).


[en] Use the Comments section to explain why you created a new version.


[en] The domain with code "0" is included by default and cannot be modified.

[en] Once you fill out all the fields, click Save. A modal opens, informing you that the new domain includes the rules of the last active or inactive version under the default domain. To continue editing the domain's settings, click Back to Create, or click Confirm to go back to the Domains page, where a pop-up message appears confirming that the new domain was successfully created.

[en] Edit a Domain

[en] To edit a domain, navigate through the list of domains in the Domains page to find the one you want to edit, click the vertical three-dot icon and then click Edit. The Edit Domain page opens, showing the same fields that must be completed when creating a new domain.

[en] Make the changes you need and click Save. A modal opens, informing you that you are editing an existing domain and that the system won't reboot after you save the changes. To continue editing the domain's settings, click Back to Edit, or click Confirm to go back to the Domains page, where a message pops up confirming that the domain was successfully updated.


[en] The Code field cannot be edited.