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[en] How to test your app's login process with Low-Code Test

[en] Platform component

[en] Veritran Studio - Low-Code Test

[en] Version


[en] Context

[en] You are building a new app for GoldBank and you need to test the login process for a user with a personal account before delivering your app to the bank. The aim of the test is to ensure that all the elements included in the user's login process function properly and that the user is able to access the app's landing page.

[en] Solution

[en] You can create a test with Studio's Low-Code Test (LCT) feature. This test includes all the actions that the user is expected to perform when logging into the app, and running it. Follow the instructions below to create a LCT.

[en] Initial configuration
  1. [en] Configure your app's Android and iOS binaries, and your device farm credentials from the Run Settings section.

  2. [en] Set any variables you want to reuse in your tests from the Variables page. For example, you can set the username as a variable to modify it later if you need to test different user categories. You can update the value from the Variables page, and it will impact on every test that has the username variable.

[en] Create the test
  1. [en] Click Create test on the LCT homepage to start the creation process. The Test info page opens, where you can add or edit the test basic information.

  2. [en] Enter a unique name to identify the test. In this case, Login Test.


    [en] The test name cannot be edited once created. Choose the name carefully.

  3. [en] In the Description field, explain the test's purpose and scope. For example: Test the apps' login process to ensure that all the components included in the login and the landing screens respond as expected.

  4. [en] Enter the result expected when the last step of the test is successfully validated. For example: The user successfully accesses the landing page and finds a welcoming message on screen.

  5. [en] In the Pre-requisites field, enter any mandatory specifications to run the test. For example: Have the login and the landing screens already built.

  6. [en] In the Tags field, enter keywords that help to identify and to filter your tests. For example: Login.

  7. [en] After configuring your test basic information, click Next to go to the Steps page to start adding steps to your new test.

[en] Add steps to the test
  1. [en] On the Steps page, click Add step to start adding all the steps you need for your test. Configure your app's Android and iOS binaries, and your device farm credentials from the Run Settings section.


    [en] Add the steps in the order you want to run them because you cannot reorganize them afterwards.

    [en] The first step tests the User field. Configure the step as follows:

    • [en] Description: User input test

    • [en] Screen/Test: Login (screen)

    • [en] Component: imp_user

    • [en] Action: Input

    • [en] Variable: user

  2. [en] The second step tests the Password field. Configure the step as follows:

    • [en] Description: Password input test

    • [en] Screen/Test: Login (screen)

    • [en] Component: imp_pass

    • [en] Action: Input

    • [en] Value: 12345678

  3. [en] The third step tests the "Personal account" radio button. Configure the step as follows:

    • [en] Description: Personal account radio button test

    • [en] Screen/Test: Login (screen)

    • [en] Component: rad_pers

    • [en] Action: Tap

  4. [en] The fourth step tests the "Remember me" checkbox. Configure the step as follows:

    • [en] Description: Remember me checkbox test

    • [en] Screen/Test: Login (screen)

    • [en] Component: chk_remember

    • [en] Action: Check

  5. [en] The fifth step tests the login button. Configure the step as follows:

    • [en] Description: Login button test

    • [en] Screen/Test: Login (screen)

    • [en] Component: btn_login

    • [en] Action: Tap

  6. [en] The sixth, and last step, tests the welcoming message on the landing page. Configure the step as follows:

    • [en] Description: Landing welcome message test

    • [en] Screen/Test: Landing (screen)

    • [en] Component: txt_welcome

    • [en] Action: Assert equal

    • [en] Value: Welcome, John Doe

  7. [en] Once you have added all the steps, click Save to finish the creation process. Close the tab and go back to the test list, where you can find the new test ready to run.

[en] Run the test and see its results
  1. [en] To run the test, follow these steps:

    1. [en] Click the play icon to the right of the test.

    2. [en] Select the binary or binaries that you want to test from the drop-down menu.

    3. [en] Check the "I already generated and published my app" checkbox, and click Run to start the test run.

  2. [en] When the test execution is complete, you can see the test results on the Results page. To do this, click the vertical three-dot icon to the right of the test, then click View results.