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[en] Promotions

[en] The EMS console allows you to manage and create promotions for your products. To access this page, click Promotions on the left side navigation bar.

[en] The Promotions page opens, showing a list of the existing promotions. Refer to the annotated image to learn more.

  1. [en] Search bar and filters. To find a promotion or narrow down the list of promotions, use the search bars and filters available. Refer to the table below to learn more.

    [en] Search by name

    [en] Click the search bar and type the promotion name.

    [en] Filter by Financial Institution

    [en] Click the arrow and select the financial institution associated to the promotion or promotions.

    [en] Filter by status

    [en] Click the arrow and select a promotion status from the drop-down menu. The options available are Active and Inactive.

  2. [en] Filters. Search promotions using advanced filtering criteria. Refer to the table below to learn more.

    [en] Publication

    [en] Click the field or the calendar icon and select a start date and an end date to see only promotions published within that period.

    [en] Validity

    [en] Click the field or the calendar icon and select a start date and an end date to see only promotions that are valid within that period.

  3. [en] List of promotions available for the product selected. Refer to the table below to learn more.

    [en] Name

    [en] Name of the promotion.

    [en] Publication

    [en] Time frame within which the publication of the promotion occurs. It includes the start and end dates.

    [en] Validity

    [en] Time frame within which the promotion is valid . It includes the start and end dates.

    [en] Status

    [en] Toggle witch that shows if a promotion is active or not. To disable a promotion already published, click the Status toggle switch. When the popup opens, click Disable to confirm the action. A popup message opens confirming that the promotion was successfully disabled.

    [en] Actions

    [en] The actions available are:

    [en] Edit

    [en] Click the pencil icon to edit the promotion's settings.

    [en] Delete

    [en] Click the trashcan icon to delete the promotion. When the confirmation popup appears, click Delete. Once deleted, a popup message opens to confirm that the promotion was successfully deleted and the promotion disappears from the list.

  4. [en] Clear All. Click to clear the results of the search performed and see the full list of promotions.

  5. [en] Create a promotion. Click to create a new promotion. Read Create a Promotion to learn more.

  6. [en] Rows per page. Click the arrow and select the number of rows from the promotions list to be displayed on screen. The options available are: 20, 50, 75, 100 and 150.

  7. [en] Pagination. Click the arrows to move forwards or backwards in the list of promotions.