[en] Rules Main Actions
[en] In the Rules page you can see and edit the configuration of existing or imported rules, import rules from your device (or export them) or create new ones from scratch. Refer to each section to learn more.

[en] See and Edit a Rule
[en] Before you decide whether you need to create a new rule or import one from your device, you can see the details of existing rules in your environment. In addition, you can make changes to its configuration. Read the instructions below to learn how to find a rule and, if necessary, edit its details.
[en] Find a rule in the list using one of the following options. Use the available search bars and find the rule by its name or narrow down the list by clicking the arrow and selecting an option: click All to see all the rules available, click Show only favorites to see only the rules pinned as favorite, or Hide favorites so that rules marked as favorite are hidden.
[en] See the list of rules according to the filters you chose and review the rule details explained in the table below.
[en] Rejecting rule name
[en] Name given to the rule upon creation.
[en] Profile names can include letters, numbers, spaces, - and _.
[en] Dimensions
[en] Parameters under which the rule should be applied, including all or one transaction, profile and product.
[en] Conditions
[en] Conditions applied to the rule that will be considered in the transaction evaluation for the transaction to be rejected.
[en] Enabled
[en] Feature that allows you to enable or disable the rule. When you enable a rule (blue toggle), the rule will be applied to the transaction, product and profile defined and BRM will consider it when evaluating the approval or rejection of the transaction.
[en] Click the toggle switch to enable the rule. If you want to disable the rule, click on the toggle switch again. Upon enabling or disabling a rule, the message “The rule has been updated successfully” will appear on the top right side of the screen.
[en] Favorite
[en] Feature that allows you to set a rule as favorite. Rules marked as favorite will be pinned (blue star icon) and appear at the top of the list whenever you access the list of rules again.
[en] To unset a rule as favorite, click the blue star icon. The icon will appear empty and the rule will be organized by date of creation.
[en] Favorite feature
[en] Pinning rules with the Favorite feature helps you keep track and makes it easier to find profiles modified and that you may need to export in the future.
[en] To make changes to the rule configuration, click the vertical three-dot icon and then click Edit. Refer to Create or Edit a Rule to learn more.
[en] Import or Export a Rule
[en] If the rule you need to use has already been created by you or other user but is not available in the environment, you can import it. For example, if you previously exported rules to the client's environment and tested the app, you can now import them back to your production environment. By using the import feature, you ensure the integrity of the configuration across all environments.
[en] Read the instructions below to learn how to import a rule or set of rules from your device.
[en] Click Import.
[en] Once the Import Rules modal opens, click Select file and select the file in JSON format from the files browser.
[en] Click Import.
[en] A pop-up message informs you that the import was successful and the imported rule will appear listed in this page.
[en] You can only import transactions saved in JSON format.
[en] In addition to importing rules, you can also export them, either individually or in bulk. Read the instructions below to learn how to export a rule from your environment to your device.
[en] To export one or more rules individually, click the checkbox located to the left of each rule. The Export button will show the number of rules selected.
[en] Click Export.
[en] A modal opens, listing the names of rules selected and asking you to confirm the export. Click Export to proceed and save the rule or rules in JSON format in your device.
[en] To export all rules available in bulk, click Export All. A modal opens, asking you to confirm the export. Click Export to proceed and save the rules in JSON format in your device.
[en] Create a Rule
[en] If, after reviewing the details of the rules already created or imported, you determine that you need a new rule, you must create it. To create a rule, click + Create Rule. Refer to Create or Edit a Rule to learn more.