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Veritran Docs

Release date: March 2024

New Features and Improvements
  • We added a tooltip to the screens cards to enable reading the complete text of those tags that were incomplete due to their length.

  • We unified the syntax of screens (V00|Contents 1:S000) to appear the same way in the screens cards and in App Flow.

  • We added the "No Theme" option to the drop-down menu of the Theme Info field in the Settings section of apps and modules.

  • We sorted alphabetically the branch drop-down menu in the dashboard and in the top menu of the overview.

  • We fixed an error in the Text Input component that caused the component to be deleted when clearing the content of the Value attribute.

  • We fixed an error in the App Flow diagram that did not generate the diagram when the flow included screens with processes that other screens invoked internally.

  • We fixed an error in App Flow where, upon reaching the memory limit, the updated information would not load. Now, the functionality is blocked when this happens and is made available again once the information is updated.

  • We resolved an error in Used in that didn't allow the use of the ";" character after a numerical value. This resulted in the inability to search for tokens with expressions such as #S{7010;F}.

  • We fixed an error in Used in that caused intermittent loading of results. This resulted in a brief period where no results were found, and then the results appeared.

  • We fixed an error in Used in that caused the "See all used" functionality " to not work when there were tokens declared as aliases.

  • We fixed an error in Diagnostics where the functionality threw false positives in the broken connections rule for legacy processes, as it could not distinguish if a value corresponded to a process or to a string starting with "P".

  • We fixed an error in the legacy process Diagram feature where, upon loading multiple outputs (next) to a process step, only the first one was diagrammed.

  • We fixed an issue where the execution of merges with conflicts would fail.

  • We removed the Quick Publish option from the save menu of a screen when that screen belongs to a module since modules, by definition, are not published.