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Veritran Docs to

Release date: June 2023

New Features and Improvements
  • We added a feature to clean orphaned contexts and tabs IDs when the user logs into Workspace.

  • We hid the Library checkbox in functions.

  • We hid the Institution and Group fields in screens.

  • We removed the headerHash, contentHash and hashAlgorithm fields from screens.

  • We added the option to filter last published targets by app.

  • We included the option to manage the access to the Go to Gitlab and Create branch functionalities from Workspace.

  • We added the justify button to the Text Align options in the Visual Builder's right panel.

  • We added a feature to block the entire Studio user interface when an app's screen is being saved.

  • We added the Author and Unique Identifier information to the entity's details in commit messages.

  • We removed case sensitivity from the Src attribute in the Visual Builder's right panel.

  • We added a loader when saving changes to the processes screen. This blocks performing other actions while saving is in process.

  • We added a scrolling feature that, when adding a new step to a legacy process, automatically jumps to that new step (located at the bottom of the steps list).

  • We added a modal where the user can change the name of a legacy process when importing it.

  • We set a 35-character limit when defining the name of an app during its creation.

  • We added site origin information to a branch's settings, to allow the tracking of that branch's parent.

  • Now, when exporting a legacy process, the process and branch name are included inside the .xml file to make the process easier to identify.

  • We added a modal for the user to validate the target of a quick publish action when that target has already been published in another branch.

  • We added a clearer error message when Redis is down and does not allow the user to switch from one branch to another.

  • Now, when duplicating an asset, a loader appears after clicking the Save button so that the user cannot keep interacting until the result is shown.

  • Now, when adding an action to a component in the Visual Builder, a loader appears after selecting the process option to allow the list of processes to fully load and not appear empty.

  • Now, when editing a function library, a loader appears after saving so that the user cannot keep interacting until the result is shown.

  • We fixed an issue involving the change of an app's name when importing an app with a name that already exists.

  • We fixed an issue involving the removal of an existing process before adding a new one with the same name to avoid its duplication in the cache.

  • We fixed an issue involving the visualization of changes in a recently merged screen.

  • We fixed an issue that caused the automatic logout from a context after generating and publishing an app with dependencies.

  • We fixed an issue involving a broken Go to new branch button in the modal that appears after creating a new branch.

  • We fixed an issue involving the color indicator of the modal that opens when a legacy process cannot be imported due to a duplicated name.

  • We fixed an issue involving the Save and Close option when creating a new legacy process.

  • We fixed an issue involving the implementation of classes defined by typing them in the CSSClass attribute of a component only if the class exists in the mobile app theme's CSS section.

  • We fixed an error that caused the automatic logout from Studio when attempting to generate and publish the app.

  • We fixed an issue that caused a failure in Delta2 to export resources when the app was downloaded.

  • We fixed an issue involving the import of screens that use component libraries.

  • We fixed an issue that caused a delay in the opening of the Generate and Publish modal that appears when publishing an app.

  • We fixed the themeText and viewTheme fields when generating a screen.

  • We fixed an issue with the componentInstance ID field, whose content disappeared when the screen was resaved.

  • We fixed the expiration date of all entries saved in Redis by increasing the time frame.

  • We fixed an issue involving Git reset, which showed the last local commit after rollbacking the remote branch, instead of the head of the remote branch.

  • We fixed an issue that caused the feature names to appear as null instead of showing the name given to them.

  • We fixed an issue involving the elimination of screens.

  • We fixed an issue that caused a connection failure in a Git pull.

  • We fixed an issue that made warning messages appear when adding variables such as #A{50:0:1;G} to the labels of a screen.

  • We fixed an issue that made warning messages appear when a adding variables correctly written such as #S{APICallResult} to the attributes of a component.

  • We fixed an issue that caused the Visual Builder's canvas to disappear when opened after a component library is linked or duplicated.

  • We fixed an error that caused function libraries not to appear in the steps of a legacy process.

  • We fixed an issue involving switching branches from the drop-down menu.

  • We fixed an issue involving the sorting criteria in processes list.

  • We fixed an issue that caused the success toast message not to appear after importing a screen.

  • We improved the wording of the confirmation toast message when duplicating a screen.

  • We fixed an issue involving the selection of aliases when completing the attributes of a component in the Visual Builder.

  • We fixed an error that made it impossible to close the Function Library modal when it failed, by adding a close (X) button.

  • We fixed an issue with the Studio breadcrumb which, instead of showing a new branch's name, showed the placeholder "My new app".

  • We improved the texts in the asset duplication process.

  • We fixed an issue that caused an error while generating a component tree.

  • We fixed an issue involving the duplication of a lambda process.

  • We replaced underscores with hyphens when naming an app, to make the app name fit into the card space.

  • We fixed an error that caused a random success toaster to appear when entering the Function Libraries page.

  • We fixed an issue involving the visualization of the View/area dropdown.

  • We fixed an issue that caused an endless loader when modifying a function library from a legacy process which is using that function library.

  • We fixed the visualization of the More options menu, which was partially hidden when filtering transactions in the transactions list.

  • We fixed an error that happened when trying to open and edit a process created by another user from the processes list.

  • We included the possibility to try again when there is an error while listing remote branches in Gitlab.

  • We fixed an error that generated a commit to the repository when a screen was saved without any changes.

  • We fixed an issue that caused poor performance when loading the processes list due to the lack of pagination.

  • We improved the wording of the confirmation toast when deleting a screen.

  • We fixed an issue that caused the Site dropdown, when creating a register, to show the app name repeatedly instead of the branches' names.

  • We fixed an error that happened when creating a component in the Component Library.

  • We fixed an error in the visualization of the Visual Builder's canvas, that caused the visualization to fail whenever a JavaScript function failed.

  • No new deprecations.