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Simulate a Decision

The Decision rules page allows you to simulate the evaluation of the rules defined by setting the inputs and dimensions and visualizing the final output - that is to say, the result that will impact on the user when they execute a transaction in the app under those specific conditions.

The instructions below explain how to use the Simulate decision feature. The example follows the GoldAwards program described in the Create or Edit a Decision article. In this case, you need to simulate the amount of cashback that a user receives if: the user has a Gold profile, and the purchase was made in a store and for an amount of USD 100.

  1. In the Decision rules page, click Simulate decision.

  2. In the Inputs section, you only have the Amount input. Enter the value 100.

  3. In the Dimensions section, you have the Profile and the Purchase type dimensions.

    1. In the Profile drop-down menu, select Gold.

    2. In the Purchase type drop-down menu, select In-store.

  4. Click Run.

  5. The Outputs section will show the cashback amount in USD based on the amount of the purchase and the percentage set in the Constant values. In this case, the constant value applicable is 1, so the output value is 1 - that is to say, the user will receive USD 1 as cashback.