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Veritran Docs

Create or Edit an Application
Create an Application

To create an app, go to the Applications page and click + Create. The Create application page opens. You may also copy an existing app and edit the copy created. Once you have configured all the sections, click Add to confirm the creation process. You are redirected to the Applications page, and a message appears confirming that the app was successfully created.

Every time you save changes to your app, the Record Description modal opens for you to detail what changes were made. You can then access the history record of the changes made to the app in the Records page.

The sections below provide detailed instructions on how to create your app:

  1. Enter a name to identify the app. For example, Goldbank wallet prod.

  2. In the Description field, enter a short text with comprehensive information about the app's purpose.

  3. In the Statics resources id field, enter the path to the static resources repository generated for the app in your Gitlab project. For this example, enter: git-group-example/git-sub-group-example/git-project-example.

  4. In the Client field, select a client from the drop-down menu. This option is only available for users with permissions on more than one client.

  5. In the Product field, select a product from the drop-down menu, where you can see each product's description and its name between brackets. You can manage your products and create new ones from the Products page.


    Only the products of the client previously selected are displayed.

  6. In the Environment field, select an environment from the drop-down menu, where you can see each environment's name and its variant between brackets. You can manage your environments and create new ones from the Environments page.


    Only the environments of the client previously selected are displayed.

Hover over each chip to see the application and product configurations. These parameters are common to all platforms and are related to the communication with VT-NET. For example, the encryption parameters configuration. The parameters are set with default values, but you can edit the application or product configuration from this section according to your project's requirements.

Edit Application Configuration
  1. To edit the application configuration, click the pencil icon in the Application chip. A panel opens, where you can edit the following information:

    Device type

    Select one of the device types from the drop-down menu: phone, tablet or both.

    Screen orientation

    Select one of the screen orientations from the drop-down menu: portrait, landscape or both.

    Test automation enabled

    Switch the toggle to enable the use of automated testing tools to test the app binaries. This feature cannot be used in productive binaries or in apps with accessibility configurations in Studio.


    The "Test automation enabled" and the "Low Code Test enabled" options should not be activated simultaneously as this generates conflicts.

    Low Code Test enabled

    Switch the toggle to enable the Low-Code Test feature in the app and be able to test it in Studio. This feature cannot be used in productive binaries or in apps with accessibility configurations in Studio.


    The "Low Code Test enabled" and the "Test automation enabled" options should not be activated simultaneously as this generates conflicts.

    Webview debug enabled

    Switch the toggle to enable the debugging option for webview components. This option cannot be used in productive binaries.

    WebView Certificate pinning

    Enter the domain and the hash (or hashes) required to restrict which certificates are considered valid for your application. Then click + Add certificate to finish the process. Once each certificate is added, click the pencil icon to edit it or the trash icon to delete it.

    CA Certificates

    Enter the CA digital certificates used to verify the SSL certificates signed by each certificate authority. Then click + Add CA certificate to finish the process. Once each certificate is added, click the pencil icon to edit it or the trash icon to delete it.

    XpressPlug entry point

    Switch the toggle to enable the XpressPlug integration. This option allows you to generate an iOS binary integrated with XpressPlug.


    This option is only available for iOS. Make sure you have the iOS platform configured in your app's platform configuration section.

    When enabled, the option to upload the JSON file required for the integration becomes available. Click Upload file to select the file from your desktop.

  2. Once you have edited the necessary fields, click Save to implement the changes and close the panel.

Edit Product Configuration

Read the instructions below to learn how to edit the product configuration.


If you need to complete any of these fields but you don't have the necessary information, contact the IT team.

  1. Click the pencil icon on the Product chip. A panel opens, where you can edit the following information:

    Crc header type

    The CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) header type indicates which algorythm should be used to calculate the hash generated by VT-NET and the mobile binary, in order to ensure that both hashes match and that the communication has not been compromised. Enter "0" to use MD5, "1" to use SHA1 or "2" to use SHA3-256. You can use the arrows to the right to set the number.

    Delta version

    Enter the desired delta configuration version: "0" activates the fat version, "1" activates the split version, "2" activates the full delta version. You can also use the arrows to the right to set the number. By default, the delta version is set in 2 and cannot be modified.

    Mstm version

    Enter the desired MSTM (internal messaging) protocol version. The option suggested is "2" as it should match the delta version. You can also use the arrows to the right to set the number.

    Working key type

    Enter the type of end-to-end encryption desired. "0" to use Diffie Hellman end-to-end encryption or "1" to use PKI (Public Key Infraestracture) end-to-end encryption. The CRC header type needs to be activated to use one of these options. You can also use the arrows to the right to set the number.


    Diffie Hellman end-to-end encryption has been deprecated and should not be selected.

    Veritran secret code

    Enter the secret code defined for your application. The secret code is used to access the app's configuration information from a device while initializing the app.

    Device handler certificate

    Enter the Device Handler certificate used to secure communication with end-to-end encryption. This certificate needs to be the same as the one created in the platform's middleware for the product selected.


    Switch the toggle to enable the library. When transactioning against VT-NET, this library verifies the information and logs it into Crashlytics. All new apps should have this option enabled.


    This feature is still being tested and only available for beta users. Contact the Mobile Builder team before enabling it.

    Working key persisted

    Switch the toggle to deactivate this option. This option should be activated when using Diffie Hellman end-to-end encryption and deactivated when using PKI end-to-end encryption. By default, the toggle is activated.


    Diffie Hellman end-to-end encryption has been deprecated and should not be selected.

    Certificate pinning

    Enter the hash (or hashes) obtained from the VT-Gateway required to restrict which certificates are considered valid for your product. Then click + Add certificate hash to finish the process. Once added, you have the option to delete (trash icon to the right) each hash.

  2. Once you have edited the necessary fields, click Save to implement the changes and close the panel.

The instructions below explain how to configure the platforms (iOS, Android and Harmony) for which you want to generate an app binary.

  1. In the Platforms section, click + Add platform in the Platforms section. A panel opens on the right side of the screen.

  2. Select a platform from the drop-down menu (iOS, Android or Harmony).

  3. Then, configure the following parameters:


    Select a mobile branch version or tag from the drop-down menu. Refer to the Versions page to see a list of the existing versions with their current statuses. This field is mandatory.


    Enter a unique name to identify the app. This name is displayed below the app icon in the devices.


    Enter an ID for the package used to install the application in a device. This information is necessary to add the application to any store. An example of an ID's structure is: You can enter a different ID for each platform and overwrite the one entered in the app basic info section when creating the application. This field is mandatory.


    Identifiers are unique and cannot be reused for other apps.

    Store URL

    URL of the store where the app will be published (App Store for iOS, Google Play Store for Android and AppGallery for Huawei). This field is mandatory.

    Repo encryption version

    The application stores its information in repositories that are persisted in the device storage with a specific encryption mechanism that depends on the plataform. Enter the version with which encryption is performed: "0" for software-based encryption, "1" for hardware-based encryption (only available for iOS) or "2" for secure storage (only available for Android).


    Options "1" and "2" involve higher security levels and should be used for all new apps.

    Revision to force full configuration download

    This value allows the binary to identify if the app configuration changed from that already available in the server and should be downloaded or not. If the value is set to 0, the binary will not download the configuration. If the value is set to 99999, the app will always re-download the configuration. If the field is left incomplete, the app will always re-download the configuration.

    Min. SDK version (only available for Android and Harmony)

    Enter the minimum Android or Harmony version compatible with the app.

    Min. iOS version (only available for iOS)

    Enter the minimum iOS version compatible with the app.

    Split APK (only available for Android and Harmony)

    Enable this option to generate a different .apk file for each device architecture, instead of generating a single file for all devices. This allows generating smaller files that will take up less space on the devices.


    This option is only available for existing apps' .apk files. Android and Harmony apps published in stores for the first time use .aab files and do not have this option available.

    Http traffic Whitelist (only available for Android and Harmony)

    Enter a URL to allows traffic without security from the specified domain. It is used for widgets and webviews. Once added, you have the option to edit (pencil icon to the right) or delete (trash icon to the right) each domain.

    Mobile security

    Switch the toggle to enable the Tamper Plus functionality.


    This option is only available for projects who have acquired the Tamper Plus feature. For more information about the feature and the modes available, contact the Mobile Builder team.

    When enabled, two configurations appear:

    Select security level

    Choose between the two security modes available:

    • Hard: Interrupts the use of the app if a threat is detected.

    • Soft: The app continues functioning after the threat is detected.

    In both cases, a non-fatal issue report is generated in Crashlytics.

    Securely closed

    Switch the toggle to enable the option. The outcome varies depending on the previous configuration:

    • If the security level is set to hard and this option is enabled, a message with the error code ua599 is displayed, notifying of a threat and preventing the normal flow of the app from continuing.

    • If the security level is set to hard and this option is not enabled, the app will unexpectedly close.

    • If the security level is set to soft, the app continues functioning regardless of whether this option is enabled or disabled.

    Universal Domains

    Fill in the fields in this section to set the URLs that will open the app when it is downloaded on the device.


    Enter the domain. For example:

    Path type

    Choose a path type. The options available are:


    Interprets the text specified in the Path field as a path and opens the URL with that particular path only. For example, if you complete the field with /test, the URL will be opened.

    Path prefix

    Interprets the text specified in the Path field as a prefix and opens all the URLs that include that prefix. For example, if you complete the field with /test, URLs such as, and will be opened.

    Path pattern

    Interprets the text specified in the Path field as a path pattern and opens all the URLs that include that pattern in any segment. For example, if you complete the field with /test/.* , all the URLs that include "test" as a path segment will be opened, such as and


    Enter the path to be opened. For example: /test.

    Then click + Add Universal domain to finish the process. Once each domain is added, click the pencil icon to edit it or the trash icon to delete it.

  4. Click Add to finish the process. Repeat these steps with each platform you want to add.

To see the details of the platforms added, hover over each platform's chip. Click the remove icon (x) in any platform chip to delete it. To edit a platform, click the pencil icon in that platform's chip. You can edit all fields except for the platform name. Once you have edited the necessary fields, click Save to implement the changes and close the panel.

  1. To integrate a new SDK to your app, click + Add SDK in the SDKs section. A panel opens.

  2. Select an SDK from the drop-down menu and review the platforms selected (Android, iOS or Harmony) . By default, all the platforms configured for your app at the moment of adding the SDK are selected. You can unselect the ones where you do not want to include the SDK. Make sure to have the selected platforms added in the Platforms section to avoid issues when generating the app.

  3. Complete the parameters required to enable that SDK. Hover over the question mark icon to the right of each field to get additional information about the SDK configuration.


    Each SDK requires you to fill in different parameters for its configuration. If you have questions about how to complete these parameters, refer to the Configure SDKs documentation or contact the Mobile Product team.

  4. Click Add to finish the process. Repeat these steps with each SDK you want to add.

Hover over each SDK's chip to see in which platforms the SDK is included. Click the remove icon (x) in any SDK chip to remove it from your application. To edit an SDK, click the pencil icon in that SDK's chip. Only the SDKs with configurable parameters can be edited. You can edit all fields except for the SDK name. Once you have edited the necessary fields, click Save to implement the changes and close the panel.

  1. To activate tamper detectors for your app, this is, preventive measures to avoid any attempt to tamper with your app without your consent, find the detector in the list and click the the checkbox to the left. By default, all detectors are enabled except for the Integrity detector. To activate all the tamper detectors at once, click the Tamper Detection checkbox at the top of the list. See the table below to learn more abour each tamper detector:


    Prevents the debugging of your app. The mode suggested for this detector is "soft".


    Verifies the system function calls. The mode suggested for this detector is "hard".


    Prevents the use of the app on a rooted device. The mode suggested for this detector is "hard".


    Prevents the use of the application on an emulator. The mode suggested for this detector is "hard".


    Verifies the integrity of the application by validating its certificates.

  2. Then, edit any tamper detector as desired. To do so, find it in the list and click the pencil icon. A panel opens, where you can edit the following settings:


    Mode in which the detector will be run. Click the field and select and option from the drop-down menu menu. Click soft if you only want the detector to warn you about any attempt to tamper with your application. Click hard if you want the detector to block any further action if any attempt to tamper with your application is detected.


    Interval in which the detector will be run. Click the field and enter the interval in numbers.


    Enter the number of the transactions to which you want to apply the tamper detection.


    Checks performed by the detector. By default, each detector includes different checks. Click the remove icon (x) of any check if you don't want to include it in your detection process. To add more checks, click the arrow and select them from the drop-down menu or click the Include all checks toggle switch to include all checks.


    Information used to check that the emulator has been stopped. Click the field and select the package or packages from the drop-down menu. This field only appears in the Emulator tamper detector configuration.

  3. Click Save to implement the changes made to the tamper detectors and close the panel.

You can change the order in which the detectors will be run. To do so, click the up and down arrows located to the right of each detector.

Edit an Application

To edit an existing app, find the desired app in the list and click the pencil icon to the right. The Edit application page opens, where you can edit the parameters configured during the creation process or add new ones. Once you have edited all the necessary sections, click Save to apply the changes.

Every time you save changes to your app, the Record Description modal opens for you to detail what changes were made. You can then access the history record of the changes made to the app in the Records page.