System Business Parameters
Business parameters are configuration sets that can be used on services' endpoints, in the process of building an app in Studio, or in a transaction flow. They are different from System parameters, which affect the system environment and are pre-configured in the database.
The System Business Parameters page in the System menu ( System > Processes > Parameters) shows business parameters created in the Catalog that have been assigned a global value. This means that their value is associated with the entire environment, and is impacting every product created in it.
From this page, you can edit parameters' global values and assign new global values to parameters from the catalog. If you want to edit or assign parameter values for one specific product instead, go to Product > Processes > Parameters.
Refer to the annotated image below to learn how to work with the Business Parameters page.

Search bar. Type a keyword to search for business parameters by description, type or value.
Business Parameters list. This list shows every business parameter from the catalog that has been assigned a global value. It appears as a table, with a row for each parameter and columns that show the following information:
Short description of the parameter
Process Type
Type of process where the business parameter is involved. These types are pre-configured in the environment.
Value assigned for the business parameter. This value impacts on every product in the environment.
Last Update
Date of last update.
Click to edit the parameter's value.
Click to delete the parameter's value.
Tools: The tools are described in order of appearance.
Click to open the Parameters Catalog, where you can find every business parameter available in the environment and create new ones.
New Business Param
Click to configure a global value for a business parameter previously created in the Parameters Catalog.
Click to import a business parameter as an .xml file from your device. This is useful to migrate parameters from one environment to another.
Click to export business parameters. This button opens a menu with the Export and Export All options. Select one or more parameters and click Export to download an .xml file to your device that includes the parameters selected, or click Export All to download an .xml with every business parameter created on the platform.
After updating or creating new business parameters, you need to restart processes on the VT-Net platform so that it detects and applies the new updates. To learn how to do this, go to Restart Processes.
Parameters Catalog (System menu)
In the Parameters Catalog, you can create business parameters which you can later implement in different products available in the platform.
You can access the Parameters Catalog from the Business Parameters page in the System menu or in the Product menu, depending on what kind of value you want to assign to the parameters you create in the Catalog.
To assign a value that reflects on every product in the environment, go to System > Processes > Parameters.
To assign a unique value for a specific product, go to Product menu > Processes > Parameters .
In either page, click Catalog. The Catalog page opens, showing a list of every business parameter created, divided in the following columns:

Code | Parameter's code or ID. This code is unique. | ||||
Description | Description of the parameter's functionality. | ||||
Data Type | Type of data the parameter carries. It can be date (D), encrypted (E), time (T), numeric (N) or string (S). | ||||
Process Type | Type of process where the parameter is implemented, such as host interface, client host or device handler. The processes available depend on the environment. | ||||
Actions |
Click New to create a new business parameter. Click Value to return to the page where you started (the System Business Parameters page in the System menu or in the Product menu), so you can assign a value for the parameter.
You can also click on the page numbers or arrows on the pagination to navigate through the catalog.
Create or Edit a Business Parameter (System menu)
Click New in the Parameters Catalog. The following modal window opens.

Fill in the following fields:
Code | Type a name for the parameter (max. 30 characters). This code is unique. |
Description | Type a description of the parameter's functionality. |
Data Type | Data types available are date, encrypted, time, numeric and string. Choose the one that matches the type of data the parameter will carry. The encrypted and string types require you to set a maximum string length, whereas the numeric type requires a minimum and maximum value. |
Process Type | Select from the drop-down the type of process where this parameter is implemented. The options vary depending on the environment. |
Category | This field is populated automatically. |
Click Save to create your new business parameter.
To edit a business parameter, open the Catalog, find the parameter you want to edit and click Edit on the Actions column. You can modify all fields described above, except for the code.
Configure a Parameter's Global Value
Business parameters are created in the Parameters Catalog without any values assigned to them. To assign a global value to a parameter (that is, a value that impacts in every product in the environment), go to the Business Parameters page in the System menu (System > Processes > Parameters) and click New. The New Business Parameter modal window appears.
If you want to assign parameter values that only affect one specific product, go to Product > Processes > Parameters.

Select a parameter from the catalog in the drop-down menu. Once you select a parameter, the Param Value field is enabled, and the Process Type field is automatically populated with the corresponding data from the catalog.
Fill in the Param Value field with the global value you want to assign to the parameter. Additionally, you can leave a comment. Click Save to set the parameter's value. This value will impact every product in the environment.
You can edit or delete global values from the Business Parameters page in the System menu (System > Processes > Parameters).
After updating or creating new business parameters, you need to restart processes on the VT-Net platform so that it detects and applies the new updates. To learn how to do this, go to Restart Processes.