Mobile Builder
Mobile Builder is a platform component that allows you to generate and manage your mobile app's binaries, and to visualize and configure your app's parameters, the environments and products associated to it, as well as the platform versions and the runners used to generate your app.
Mobile Builder accelerates your app's binary generation and installation, allowing you to quickly test the app from a mobile device. It also keeps record of every build launched for your app, providing a detailed snapshot of each build generation to visualize the changes made in each file.
Access and Navigate Mobile Builder
First, you must have Mobile Builder installed in your Workspace environment and the permissions to access it. If you don’t have the necessary permissions, contact the Mobile Builder team.To access Mobile Builder, you have two options: enter your credentials on the login page and click Sign in, or access through Workspace by clicking the platform components grid icon, find Mobile Builder on the list and then select the version available. In both cases, Mobile Builder opens by default on the Applications page.
To generate your app's binaries, you first need to have a product and an environment created for your app. A product and an environment are provided by default when Mobile Builder is installed. If you need another environment or product to generate your app, you can create them from the Environments and the Products pages respectively. Then, you can visualize and configure your app's parameters from the Applications page. Once the app is created and configured, you are ready to generate and manage your app's binaries from the Builds page.
The Platform Team can also manage the platform versions and the runners used to generate the app from the Versions and Runners pages respectively.
Types of Permissions
There are different types of permissions for Mobile Builder, depending on the role of the user. Specific configurations, such as those of the platform versions and the runners used to generate the apps binaries, are only available for the Platform Team. Sections with limited permissions are specified in this documentation.
Mobile Builder also includes filters only available for users with permissions on more than one client. These users can filter and select between different client’s apps, products and environments.