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Veritran Docs

Testing and Troubleshooting

Veritran provides tools for testing and troubleshooting apps, before or after publishing them. Refer to the sections below to learn more about the features available in the Veritran platform.


In this section of Veritran Docs, you will find documentation on the following testing features:

  • Quality assurance: This feature helps you to apply Test-Driven Development (TDD) in the process of building your apps. It uses scenarios and unit tests to validate the logic of your Lambda processes.Quality AssuranceLambda Processes

  • App testing: This feature allows you to test web and mobile apps generated in Studio. Mobile apps can be tested using Veritran GO.

  • Lambdas simulator: This lambdas editor's tool allows you to test the logic of the lambda process and to provide it with the input data required to work as expected.Simulator

  • Run Transaction: This feature allows you to run a published transaction to verify its correct functionality with a low-code approach.Run TransactionTransactions

  • Low-Code Test: This feature allows you to configure and run automated tests to ensure quality in the building of your mobile apps, without the need for specialized testing skills.

  • Mimicking: This feature allows you to test functionality without depending on the services to which your app is integrated, as the real services –provided by the bank– are replaced by emulated services.

  • Quick Run: This feature helps you test changes on mobile apps without having to publish and download a new configuration each time a change is introduced. Quick Run works on screens, legacy and lambda processes.


In this section of Veritran Docs, you will find documentation on the following troubleshooting features:

  • Mobile Troubleshooting Tools: This error-tracking feature can be used on Veritran-generated binaries to log information about issues that might affect a user’s experience with the app. It is connected to the Firebase Crashlytics integration and available for iOS and Android mobile applications.

  • Devtools: This runtime debugging and analysis tool allows you to inspect an application built with Studio on any device, and see its registers and arrays in real time. This tool is used during development and testing stages.

  • Diagnostics: This feature allows you to run diagnostic tests on your apps or modules to scan for any building issues.