Export or Import a Constant
In certain cases, teams create constants in testing environments to make tests and, if they achieve the expected result, take those constants to the production environment. For those cases, they use the Import and Export features available in BRMS.
Export a constant
Read the instructions below to learn how to export a constant.

On the Constants page, click Export.
The Export Package modal opens in the Decisions tab. Click Constants to open the tab. The list shows all the constants and their tags.
Go through the list or use the search bar to narrow down the list of constants and then click the checkbox to the left of the constant you want to export. To export all constants in bulk, click Select all. For this example, enter matrixBooleanin the search bar. Then, click the checkbox to the left of thematrixBoolean constant.
In the File name field, change the file name to Matrix_Boolean_Constant, so that you can identify it in your device.
Click Export json.
You will be redirected to the Constants page and the .json file will be downloaded to your device.
Import a constant
Read the instructions below to learn how to import a constant.

On the Constants page, click Import.
The file browser opens. Find the Constant you want to import and click Open.
You will be redirected to the Constants page and the .json file will be uploaded to your environment. Then, you can find it in the list and edit it as required.
You can also use the Import and Export features from the Decisions page. When the Export Package modal opens, change to the Constants tab.