You can execute commands on VT-NET to verify the platform's health and detect any potential issue, as well as modify the way the platform operates. With these commands, you can perform a range of actions, including checking versions and objects status, retrieving platform's statistics, or modifying processes status.
See below for a list of commands to execute and, should you run into any kind of error in the platform, find the suggested next steps. You can also find a list of the most frequently used Linux commands at the end of the page.
Commands' Syntax
All system commands have a specific syntax.
COMMAND object_type {object_name | "<RE>"} [,command_options] [,filter = value]
COMMAND: Mandatory literal that indicates the command to be executed. It can be typed in lower or uppercase.
object_type: Type of object upon which the command will be executed. This field is mandatory. The objects available are:
object_name: Specific object upon which the command will be executed. In case of using a regular expression, the command will execute upon all the objects included in the regular expression. This field is mandatory.
command_options: Command syntax’s modifiers, attributes or parameters that improve the command’s functionality.
filter: Filters the objects upon which the command will execute by object's status, activity, type of process or attributes. Indicate a value in this field to apply the filtering criteria. You can use regular expressions instead of the objects' name, and combine filtering criteria.
You can use regular expressions in some commands. This allows you to describe a chain of strings without detailing every single object.
Regular expression must always go between quotation marks "...", for example, "DH.*". The system admits any standard regular expression.
Symbol | Description | Example |
| | Alternating constructor | It establishes possible alternatives. For example, when executing a command on "P1DH1|P1DH2", the command will run over those two objects. |
+ | Addition constructor | Indicates that the immediate previous character must be present at least once. For example, executing a command on "P1DH+1" will run the command over P1DH1, P1DHH1, P1DHHH1, etc. |
? | Quantification constructor | Indicates that the immediate previous character might be present once. For example, when executing the command on "P1DH?1" , the command will run over P1DH1 or P1D1. |
* | Quantification constructor | Indicates that the immediate previous character might be present once or infinite times, or might not be present at all. For example, when executing the command on "P1DH*1", the command will run over P1D1, P1DH1, P1DHH1, etc. |
() | Parentheses. Grouping constructor | Defines the operator's precedence. For example, "(PRO1|PRO2)DH" is the same as "PRO1DH|PRO2DH". Special characters do not lose their meaning when between parentheses. |
. | Period | The period character can be replaced by any other character. For example, when executing a command on "P.1DH", the command will run over any object that begins with "P" and ends with "1DH", for example, PA1DH, PB1DH, etc. Note that the command will not run over "PAA1DH", since the period character replaces only one character. If you need to run the command over "PAA1DH", it is necessary to include repetitions with "P.*1DH". |
\ | Slash | This character is used in combination with other characters. When using "\.", the period character changes its behavior and acts as a literal character. Additionally, this character can grant other characters special meaning:
[] | Square brackets | Square backets group characters by class and help search a character among a group of characters. You can use the "-" character to specify a range. Metacharacters lose their meaning when they are between brackets and become literal. |
$ | Currency | Represents the end of a string of characters. Instead of representing a character, it represents a position. For example, when using the "z$" expression, the command will execute upon all the objects that end with "z". |
^ | Caret | When used individually, it represents the beginning of a string. For example, when using the "^[a-z]" regular expression, the system will retrieve all the strings that do not begin with uppercase. When used with square brackets, as in "[^\w ]", the expression will retrieve all the characters that are not alphanumeric or a space. |
{} | Curly brackets | When used as metacharacters, they need to contain one or more numbers separated by a comma and have to go right after another regular expression. For example, the "\d{2}" regular expression indicates that the command needs to run over objects that contain two digits. |
Status Commands
/veritran/vt-net/bin/vtNetQShell -e [ENVIRONMENT] -n [NODE] -c "status object .*"
Objets in the platform include lines, stations, processes, qservices and satellites. Run this command to verify all objects in the platform are running and appear as started.

This command displays a table with all the objects and their respective information, which includes the object's name and its type (for example, if it's a process or a qservice). The table also includes the object's state, and its logical state, which determines the state of the object depending on the last command executed upon that object. For example, if a user stopped the object, the logical state should be stopped. Lastly, the table shows messages queued for that object, and the group it belongs to.
/veritran/vt-net/bin/vtNetQShell -e [ENVIRONMENT] -n [NODE] -c "status proc .*"
This command displays a table with all the processes and their respective information, which includes: process name, type, state, logical state, messages queued and group. To verify that processes are operating, state and logical state must always match and appear as started.

To verify the state of a single process, type the following, including the name of the process:
/veritran/vt-net/bin/vtNetQShell -e [ENVIRONMENT] -n [NODE] -c "status proc [PROCESS].*"
Use the ,detail modifier after the last * symbol in the command to obtain detailed information, including the process' version.
Run this command to verify the status of entry and exit lines or stations, qservices or satellites.
/veritran/vt-net/bin/vtNetQShell -e [ENVIRONMENT] -n [NODE] -c "status [line,station,qservice,sat] .*"
To verify the status of a single line, qservice, satellite or station, type the following, including the name of the object:
/veritran/vt-net/bin/vtNetQShell -e [ENVIRONMENT] -n [NODE] -c "status line,station,qservice,sat [NAME]"
Use the ,detail modifier after the last * symbol in the command to obtain more detailed information, including the object's version.
There should be at least one process, one line and one station started on the platform for it to work correctly.
Execute the following command to verify processes activity and visualize information such as input and output messages and maximum messages in queue.
/veritran/vt-net/bin/vtNetQShell -e [ENVIRONMENT] -n [NODE] -c "statistics proc [NAME], detail"
Execute the following command to verify lines statistics and visualize information such as input and output messages and maximum messages in queue. This can help detect errors on the lines that function as an entry for transactions and on the lines that connect to client’s services. This applies to all incoming traffic through Veritran channels (devices), as well as all outgoing communication to the different integrated backend services.
/veritran/vt-net/bin/vtNetQShell -e [NVIRONMENT] -n [NODE] -c "statistics line [NAME], detail"
Execute the following command to verify stations statistics and visualize information such as input and output messages and maximum messages in queue. This can help detect errors on the stations that function as an entry for transactions and on the stations that connect to client’s services. This applies to all incoming traffic through Veritran channels (devices), as well as all outgoing communication to the different integrated backend services.
/veritran/vt-net/bin/vtNetQShell -e [ENVIRONMENT] -n [NODE] -c "statistics station [NAME], detail"
You can use this same command to also verify objects, qservices and satellites' statistics.
ps -ef | grep kernel
Status Modification Commands
/veritran/vt-net/bin/vtNetQShell -e [ENVIRONMENT] -n [NODE] -c "start [PROCESS].*"
After initiating a process, run the status command again to verify this time it appears as started.
/veritran/vt-net/bin/vtNetQShell -e [ENVIRONMENT] -n [NODE] -c "stop [PROCESS].*"
/veritran/vt-net/bin/vtNetQShell -e [ENVIRONMENT] -n [NODE] -c "abort proc [PROCESS].*"
Another variant is to force the abort process command, which is used under more serious platform issues.
/veritran/vt-net/bin/vtNetQShell -e [ENVIRONMENT] -n [NODE] -c "abort proc [PROCESS].*, force"
/veritran/vt-net/bin/vtNetQShell -e [ENVIRONMENT] -n [NODE] -c "purge proc [PROCESS].*"
/veritran/vt-net/bin/vtNetQShell -e [ENVIRONMENT] -n [NODE] -c "warmboot proc .*"
/veritran/vt-net/bin/vtNetQShell -e [ENVIRONMENT] -n [NODE] -c "warmboot proc [PROCESS].*"
/veritran/vt-net/bin/vtNetQShell -e [ENVIRONMENT] -n [NODE] -c "stop node .*"
To stop VT-NET (NDA1), type the following command:
/veritran/vt-net/bin/vtNetQShell -e [ENVIRONMENT] -n NDA1 -c "stop node .*"
/veritran/vt-net/bin/kernel -f /veritran/vt-net/networkDirectory/[ENVIRONMENT]_[NODE].ini
/veritran/vt-net/bin/vtNetQShell -e [ENVIRONMENT] -n [NODE] -c "run file [file.cmd]"
/veritran/vt-net/bin/vtNetQShell -e [ENVIRONMENT] -n [NODE] -c "send proc [PROCESS],cmd=[COMMAND]"
/veritran/vt-net/bin/vtNetQShell -e [ENVIRONMENT] -n [NODE] -c "send proc [PROCESS],cmd=gethelp"
Version and Configuration Commands
Execute this command to verify that VT-NET is working correctly, mostly after installation or after an update.
/veritran/vt-net/bin/kernel -V
This command displays the platform's version as shown below:
/veritran/vt-net/bin/kernel -V Version: (19f7eb5bb2a39e456asde6e55c3644f3df93206a) URL: - HEAD detached at - 19f7eb5bb2a39e456asde6e55c3644f3df93206a Tag name: Build Date: Mon Mar 27 22:28:33 -03 2023 System: Linux jnlp-slave-redhat-8.-tcwt ..0-26-generic #2-Ubuntu MP Fri ug 26 2:2:7 UC 2022 x86_6 x86_6 x86_6 NU/Linux Platform Version: (19f7eb5bb2a39e456asde6e55c3644f3df93206a) URL: - HEAD detached at - 19f7eb5bb2a39e456asde6e55c3644f3df93206a Tag name: Build Date: Mon Mar 27 22:25:04 -03 2023 System: Linux jnlp-slave-redhat-8.5-tc4wt 5.4.-16-generic #14-Ubuntu MP Fri ug 6 1:1:57 UC x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 NU/Linux
If you are executing this command after a modification in the system, it is suggested to also verify objects' status to make sure everything is working correctly.
/veritran/vt-net/bin/vtNetQShell -e [ENVIRONMENT] -n [NODE] -c "info proc [PROCESS].*"
Use the ,detail modifier after the last * symbol in the command to obtain detailed information.
/veritran/vt-net/bin/vtNetQShell -e [ENVIRONMENT] -n [NODE] -c "info db .*, detail"