Transaction Response Codes
When the user or any other client system invoking the AS API attempts to execute a transaction, an AS service is executed and provides a response (with its respective code) as a result. For apps built by Veritran, transaction response codes might translate the responses given by the AS service into response codes for the transaction executed.
On the Transaction Response Codes page (Configurations > Transaction Resp. Codes), you can find transaction responses and their details, including their codes and messages. You can also edit the client message of each response (see below).
Navigate the Transaction Response Codes page

First, find the transaction response you want to see or edit. Click the search bar and type the transaction response code or any relevant keywords (min. 3 characters). Then, press Enter or click Search. If you search the transaction response by code, the page shows the transaction response identified with that code. If you search by keywords, the page shows the list of transaction responses that include those keywords in their technical or client messages. Once the results appear, you can see the message's details and edit the client message. Refer to the table below to learn more about the information you will find in this page.
Code | Code associated to the transaction response. Codes can be numeric or alphanumeric. |
Tech Message | Transaction response message that includes a technical description for internal use. |
Client Message | Client-oriented transaction response message provided by the AS. Depending on the channel invoking this message, it may be shown to the user when they execute the transaction. To learn how to edit the client message, read Edit a Transaction Response. |
Edit | Click the pencil icon to edit the transaction response code message's details. Read Edit a Transaction Response to learn more. |
Edit a Transaction Response
Refer to the instructions below to learn how to edit the client message in a transaction response.
Go to the Transaction Response Codes page (Configuration > Transaction Resp. Code).
Find the transaction you want to edit, as explained in the section above.
Click the pencil icon to the right of each transaction response.
In the Edit Transaction Response Code page that opens, edit the Client Message as required.
Click Save and then click Confirm in the modal that appears.
The system takes you back to the Transaction Response Codes page, where a message appears, informing you that the transaction response was successfully updated.
Transaction Response Codes
See below a list of the transaction response codes available and the technical message associated to each response.
Code | Transaction Response Name - Technical Message |
000 | OK The operation was successfully completed. |
001 | OK_RESET The operation was successfully completed and the preexisting Token was restarted. |
002 | OK_ADD The operation was successfully completed and a a preexisting token was assigned to a user. |
003 | OK_ADD_CHANGE_PSW The operation was successfully completed and a preexisting token was assigned to a user. |
010 | OK_ALREADY_ACTIVED The coordinate card is already active and associated to the user. |
020 | OK_USER_CREATE The operation was successfully completed and a successful User was created. Successful operation. |
030 | 030 OK_PRODUCT_UPDATED The operation was successfully completed and the product register was updated. |
031 | OK_NO_ PRODUCTS_REMAINING The operation was successfully completed and there are no products linked to the user. |
999 | Successful operation. Response code by default. |
A01 | DOMAIN_USER_NOT_FOUND Domain/User not found. |
A02 | INVALID_TOKEN_STATUS_NOACTIVATED The token is not activated. |
A03 | INVALID_CHALLENGE_MODE Invalid challenge generation mode. |
A04 | CHALLENGE_NOT_FOUND There is no challenge for the reported token. |
A05 | CHALLENGE_EXPIRED The challenge use time expired. |
A06 | INVALID_OTP Invalid OTP. |
A07 | BACKSEARCH An attempt was made to reuse a previously generated OTP. |
A08 | BACKSEARCH_TOKEN_WAS_DESTROYED An attempt was made to reuse a previously generated OTP and the token was destroyed. The user must request the token again. |
A09 | INVALID_TOKEN_REFERENCE Invalid token activation reference. |
A10 | TOKEN_REFERENCE_EXPIRED The time limit for token activation was exceeded. |
A11 | INVALID_TOKEN_STATUS_INUSE The user already has an active token in use. |
A12 | WRONG_REFERENCE_THRESHOLD_REACHED The maximum number of token activation attempts was exceeded. A new reference must be generated. |
A13 | USER_PSW_NOT_SET The user does not have a password defined. |
A14 | TOKEN_NOT_FOUND The specified token does not exist. |
A15 | The reported OCRA Suite is invalid. |
A16 | The challenge ID was not reported and it is mandatory. |
A17 | TRX_DATA_NOT_SET The transaction data field was not reported and it is mandatory. |
A18 | Invalid token destruction mode. |
A19 | The reported OCRA Suite is not enabled for the user. |
A20 | An invalid value was specified in the userPasswordMode parameter. |
A21 | OCRASUITE_NOT_SUPPORTED The reported OCRA Suite is not supported for this feature. |
A22 | WARNING_LEVEL_REACHED The WARNING level of erroneous OTPs entered was reached. |
A23 | CRITICAL_LEVEL_REACHED The CRITICAL level of erroneous OTPs entered was reached. |
A24 | TOKEN_WAS_DISABLED The DISABLE level of erroneous OTPs entered was reached. The token was disabled. The user must resynchronize the token. |
A25 | TOKEN_WAS_DESTROYED The DESTROY level of erroneous OTPs entered was reached. The token was destroyed. You must request it again. |
A26 | MULTIUSER_TOKEN_NOT_ADMITTED The token you want to activate is associated to another user. |
A27 | BACKSEARCH_AND_WARNING_LEVEL_REACHED An attempt was made to reuse a previously generated OTP and the WARNING level of erroneous OTPs entered was reached. |
A28 | BACKSEARCH_AND_CRITICAL_LEVEL_REACHED An attempt was made to reuse a previously generated OTP and the CRITICAL level of erroneous OTPs entered was reached. |
A29 | BACKSEARCH_TOKEN_WAS_DISABLED An attempt was made to reuse a previously generated OTP and the DISABLE level of erroneous OTPs entered was reached. The user must resync the token. |
A30 | USR_PSW_MODE_NOT_ENABLED The value specified in the userPasswordMode parameter is not enabled for the user. |
A31 | USER_EXIST_WITH_DIFF_GROUP The user already exists, but for a different group of parameters. |
A32 | USER_WITH_NO_TKN The user has no token assigned. |
A33 | INVALID_TOKEN_TIME_VALUE The information in the time field is invalid. |
A34 | INVALID_TOKEN_TIME_DRIFT The time DRIFT calculated for the token differs by more than 72 hours with the server time. |
A35 | TOKEN_SOFT_RESYNC_NEEDED Soft Resync of the token is required. |
A36 | TOKEN_HARD_RESYNC_NEEDED Hard Resync of the token is required. |
A37 | TOKEN_INVALID_DISABLE_STATUS The status indicated to disable the Token is invalid. |
A38 | TOTP_VALID_IN_OTHER_TIME_ZONE TOTP was validated but in a different time zone than the server time zone. |
A39 | RESYNC_DATA_NEEDED The required information for the OCRA Suite used in the resynchronization was not provided. |
A40 | USER_CREATION_MODE_NOT_ENABLED The value of the userCreationMode parameter is not enabled for the user. |
A41 | INVALID_USER_PSW_FORMAT The value of the new password does not comply with the defined format rules. |
A42 | USER_ALREADY_EXISTS The user you are trying to create already exists. |
A43 | REPEATED_USER_PSW The value of the new password has already been used. |
A44 | PSW_SET_MODE_NOT_ENABLED The value of the pswSetMode parameter is not enabled for the user. |
A45 | USER_PSW_CONFIRM_FAIL The confirmation of the new password failed. |
A46 | INVALID_USER_STATUS_BLOCKED The operation is not allowed for the user's current state: blocked. |
A47 | INVALID_USER_STATUS_DISABLED The operation is not allowed for the user's current state: disabled. |
A48 | CURR_PSW_VALIDATION_FAIL The validation of the User's current password failed. |
A49 | BLOCK_PSW_LIFETIME_REACHED The user was blocked because the password age limit was reached. |
A50 | BLOCK_PSW_TRIES_REACHED The user was blocked because it reached the limit of failed password validation attempts. |
A51 | BAD_PSW_WARNING_LEVEL_REACHED The WARNING level of failed password validations was reached. |
A52 | PSW_VALIDATION_FAIL The validation of the User's password failed. |
A53 | USER_UNBLOCK_MODE_NOT_ENABLED The value of the unblockMode parameter is not enabled for the user. |
A54 | INVALID_USER_STATUS The operation is not allowed for the user's current state. |
A55 | TEMP_PSW_EXPIRED The temporary password expired. |
A56 | OFFLINE_RESYNC_FAIL The TOTP was validated but in a different time zone than the server time zone. |
A57 | TOKEN_REFERENCE_NOT_SET The User has no activation reference assigned. |
A58 | NO_HISTORY_FOUND No historical information could be found under the parameters entered. |
A59 | DOMAIN_GROUP_NOT_FOUND The Domain and Group specified could not be found. |
A60 | WRONG_USER_UNBLOCK_MODE The value of the unblockMode parameter is invalid for the user's previous status. |
A61 | TOTP_LEFT_INTERVAL_NOT_ALLOWED The value of the totpLeftInterval parameter is not allowed. |
A62 | USER_CONFIDENCE_NOT_ENABLED The value of the userConfidenceLevel parameter is not allowed. |
A63 | USER_CONFIDENCE_INVALID The value of the userConfidenceLevel parameter is invalid. |
A64 | USER_CONFIDENCE_SET_MODE_INVALID The value of the userConfidenceSetMode parameter is invalid. |
A65 | USER_CONFIDENCE_VALIDATION_FAIL User trust level validation failed. |
A68 | GRIDC_USE_LIMIT_REACHED The maximum number of coordinate card uses was reached. |
A69 | GRIDC_TRY_LIMIT_REACHED The maximum number of attempts for the coordinates card was reached. |
A70 | VALIDITY_DAYS_NOT_ENABLED The value of the validityDays parameter is not allowed for the user. |
A71 | INVALID_GRIDC_SERIAL_NUMBER The serial number is invalid. Invalid coordinate card. |
A72 | GRIDC_NOT_FOUND The required coordinate card does not exist. |
A73 | GRIDC_ACTIVATED_FOR_OTHER_USER The card specified has been activated by another user. |
A74 | GRIDC_ACTIVATE_PERIOD_EXPIRED The card activation period expired. |
A75 | INVALID_GRIDC_REFS_MODE The value in the refsMode parameter is invalid. |
A76 | GRIDC_REFS_MODE_NOT_ENABLED The value of the refsMode parameter is not allowed for the user. |
A77 | USER_WITH_NO_GRID_CARD The user does not have a coordinate card. |
A78 | GRIDC_EXPIRED The coordinate card expired. |
A79 | REFERENCES_NOT_FOUND The reported references do not exist. |
A80 | REFERENCES_EXPIRED The requested references expired. |
A81 | REFERENCES_MISMATCHED The reported references do not match the references requested. |
A82 | GRIDC_WAS_DESTROYED The DESTROY level of failed coordinate card validations was reached. The card has been disabled. The user must request the card again. |
A83 | GRIDC_CRITICAL_LEVEL_REACHED The CRITICAL level of erroneous card validations was reached. |
A84 | GRIDC_WARNING_LEVEL_REACHED The WARNING level of erroneous card validations was reached. |
A85 | INVALID_GRIDC_VALUES Coordinate card validation failed. |
A86 | GRIDC_DOMAIN_GROUP_MISTMATCH The user's domain and group do not match the domain and group of the card you want to enable. |
A87 | CNT_USES_LIMIT_NOT_ENABLED The value of the cntUsesLimit parameter is not allowed for the user. |
A88 | CNT_TRIES_LIMIT_NOT_ENABLED The value of the cntTriesLimit parameter is not allowed for the user. |
A89 | INVALID_CARD_TYPE The value of the cardType parameter is invalid. |
A90 | REQUEST_NEW_TOKEN The OTP validation was successful, but a new OTP is required. |
A91 | USER_PSW_MUST_CHANGE The user must modify the password. |
A92 | REQUEST_TOKEN A successful token validation is required. |
A93 | REQUEST_NEW_REFS The validation of the coordinate card was successful, but a new validation is required. |
A94 | GCARD_NOT_PRINTED Operation not allowed because the card has not been printed. |
A95 | GCARD_CANCELED Operation not allowed because the card is canceled. |
B01 | ESERVER Internal error. Application error. |
B02 | EDATABASE Internal error. Database error. |
B03 | EOBJECT_NOT_FOUND Internal error. Data inconsistency. |
C01 | FAULTSOAP_PARSE Parsing of input message failed. |
C02 | FAULTSOAP_NULL_BODY The input message is not reported. |
C03 | FAULTSOAP_EMPTY_BODY Empty input message. |
C04 | FAULTSOAP_OPERATION_UNDEF Undefined operation. |
C05 | FAULTSOAP_OPERATION_ERROR A fatal error occurred (no memory, etc.) while processing the operation. |
C06 | FAULTSOAP_REQUIERED_DATA A required field was not reported in the message. |
C07 | FAULTSOAP_INVALID_DATA The value in the in the input message has an invalid format. |
C08 | FAULTSOAP_INVALID_HEADER The value in the header of the input message has an invalid format. |
D01 | ADMIN_USER_NOT_FOUND The administrative user requesting the operation does not exist. |
D02 | ACTIVATION_DAYS_NOT_ENABLED The value of the activationDaysLimit parameter is not allowed. |
D03 | ACTIVATION_DAYS_ERROR The value of the activationDaysLimit parameter cannot exceed that value of the validityDays parameter. |
D04 | CNT_BATCH_CARDS_ERROR The value of the cntBatchCards parameter must be greater than 0. |
D05 | CARD_BATCH_NOT_FOUND The batch of cards with the reported id could not be found. |
D06 | INVALID_NEW_STATUS_CODE The value of the batchNewStatus field is invalid. |
D07 | NEW_STATUS_NOT_ENABLED Given the current batch status, the value of the batchNewStatus field is not allowed. |
D08 | BATCH_NOT_CONFIRMED The card batch was not confirmed. |
D09 | INVALID_BATCH_DELETE_MODE The value of the batchDeleteMode field is invalid. |
D10 | BATCH_WITH_ASSIGNED_CARDS The lot has cards assigned. T |
D11 | CARD_NOT_FOUND The card could not be found. |
D12 | CARD_NOT_PRINTED The card was not printed. |
D13 | CARD_ALREADY_CANCELED The card has already been canceled. |
D14 | CARD_ASIGNED The card is assigned. |
E01 | INVALID_OTCSUITE The reported OTC Suite is invalid. |
E02 | OTCSUITE_NOT_ENABLED The reported OTC Suite is not enabled for the user. |
E03 | OTC_VALUE_NOT_SET The OTC value was not entered and it is mandatory. |
E04 | INVALID_EXT_OTC_VALUE The value of the externally generated OTC is invalid. The value does not comply with the OTCSuite defined. |
E05 | INVALID_FUNCION_KEY_LEN The length of the Key Function parameter is invalid. |
E06 | INVALID_OTC_DESTINATION The OTC destination is invalid. |
E07 | INVALID_OTC_DEST_DOM The OTC destination domain is invalid. |
E08 | DOMAIN_DESTINATION_NOT_FOUND The OTC destination does not exist in the database. |
E09 | DESTINATION_USER_NOT_SET The OTC destination field and the User field were not completed, and one of the two is mandatory. |
E10 | OTC_VALUE_NOT_PROPERLY_SET The OTC field was not completed or it has an invalid format. |
E11 | OTC_RECORD_NOT_FOUND The OTC does not exist in the Database. |
E12 | OTC_EXPIRED The OTC expired. The OTC has expired. |
E13 | ORIG_OTCSUITE_MISMATCH The OTCSuite in the validation differs from the generation value |
E14 | INVALID_OTC Invalid OTC. |
E15 | INVALID_OTC_TRX_DATA Invalid OTC due to failure in transaction data. |
E16 | INVALID_OTC_ONE_TRY Invalid OTC. You only have one attempt left. |
E17 | INVALID_OTC_TRX_DATA_ONE_TRY Invalid OTC due to failure in transaction data. You only have one attempt left. |
E18 | INVALID_OTC_LAST_TRY Invalid OTC. There are no further attempts left. |
E19 | INVALID_OTC_TRX_DATA_LAST_TRY Invalid OTC due to failure in transaction data. There are no further attempts left. |
F01 | PRODUCT_ID_NOT_SET Product identifier was not completed: account number or card number. |
F02 | PRODUCT_ALREADY_EXISTS The User-Product relationship already exists. |
F03 | NO_REMAINING_PRODUCTS There are no products linked to the user. |
F04 | NVALID_INPUT_FIELD_COMBINATION The combination of input parameters is invalid. |
F05 | PRODUCT_NOT_FOUND The user does not have the product linked. |
F06 | INVALID_POTCSUITE The POTC Suite is invalid. |
F07 | POTCSUITE_NOT_ENABLED The POTC Suite is not enabled for the user. |
F08 | PRODUCT_NOT_EXIST The product does not exist. |
F09 | PRODUCT_NOT_ACTIVATED The product status is not Active. |
F10 | INVALID_POTC Invalid POTC. POTC validation failed. |
F11 | ORIG_POTCSUITE_MISMATCH The POTCSuite in the validation differs from the generation value. |
F12 | POTC_EXPIRED The POTC expired. |
F13 | PRODUCT_CATALOG_CAN_NOT_CHANGE The field indicating the catalog cannot differ from the existing field. |
F14 | ERROR_ON_CARD_NUMBER Error in card number field. |
F15 | ERROR_ON_CARD_EXPIRATION_DATE Error in the expiration date field. |
F16 | INVALID_PRODUCT_CATALOG The value of the productCatalog field is invalid. |
F17 | NVALID_PRODUCT_TYPE The value of the productType field is invalid. |
F18 | INVALID_PRODUCT_SOURCE The productSource field is invalid. |
F19 | PRODUCT_EXPIRED The retrieved product expired. |
F20 | INVALID_TOKEN_REQUESTOR The Requestor Token is invalid for the TSP. |
F21 | CARD_BIN_RANGE_NOT_FOUND The card number could not be found in the Bin Ranges table. |
F22 | NVALID_REQUEST_ASSURANCE_LEVEL The security level is invalid. |
F23 | INVALID_TOKEN_LOCATION The tokenLocation field is invalid. |
F24 | MAX_GROUP_CONCURRENT_POTC_REACHED The maximum number of concurrent POTCs defined for the group was reached. |
F25 | PRODUCT_ALREADY_DELETED The product was previously deleted. |
G01 | INVALID_PAYMENT_TOKEN The Payment Token is invalid. |
G02 | PAYMENT_TOKEN_EXPIRED The Payment Token expired. |
G03 | DOMAIN_RESTRICTION_UNVERIFIED Verification of Token Requestor domain restrictions failed. |
G04 | DE-TOKENIZED_CARD_EXPIRED The detokenized card expired. |
G05 | TOKEN_REQUESTOR_MISTMATCH The Requestor Token differs from that used in the generation of the Payment Token. |
G06 | INVALID_TRACK2_DATA Track2 information is invalid. |
G07 | INVALID_CRYPTOGRAM_VERSION_NUMBER The cryptogram version is invalid. |
G08 | CRYPTO_DATA_VALIDATION_FAIL Validation of the cryptogram failed. |
G09 | PAYMENT_EXPIRITY_MISTMATCH The expiration date differs from that assigned to the Payment Token. |
G10 | INVALID_CRYPTOGRAPHY_METHOD Cryptogram validation method. |
G11 | INVALID CRYPTOGRAM VALIDATION TICKET The Cryptogram Validation Ticket is invalid or expired. |
G12 | TOKEN_REQUESTOR_NOT_SET - Token Requestors have not loaded. |
G13 | OKEN_OPERATION_NOT_ALLOWED - The operation is not allowed. |
ZZZ | The request could not be processed, response code by default. |