[en] Constants
[en] Constants are reference values used within the logic of rule configured for a decision. These reference values can be related (or not) to the dimensions of a decision. All builders (either senior or junior) are allowed to configure and modify constants since they do not break the contract but change the logic.
[en] In addition to builders, certain non-technical profiles from the client may have permissions to edit constants and modify their reference values according to the different campaigns within a solution (for example, if the client decides to change the conditions to obtain cashback in a loyalty program).
[en] There are three types of constants: Value, Array or Matrix, and their values can have one of three data types: number, string (alphanumeric value) or boolean (true or false). Learn more about each of them in the list below.
[en] Value: Unique constant that is not related to a dimension. For example, if the client defines that, on a specific date such as the Bank inauguration date, all clients in its loyalty program obtain 200 points (number data type).
[en] Array: Constant that requires a reference dimension and generates an array of values, where there is one array value per each dimension value. For example: the dimension Profile has three values: SIlver, Gold and Black. The array constants are 100 for the Silver dimension, 150 for the Gold dimension and 200 for the Black dimension (see the table below).
Tabla 13. [en] Dimension: Profile[en] Silver
[en] Gold
[en] Black
[en] Matrix: Constant that requires two reference dimensions and generates an array of values, where there is one array value per each dimension value.
Tabla 14. [en] Dimensions 1: Profile - Dimension 2: Transaction Type[en] Silver
[en] Gold
[en] Black
[en] Payment
[en] Transfer
[en] Foreign Currency Purchase
[en] Navigate the Constants page

[en] The Constants page contains all the constants created for the client. From this page, you can see the details of the constants created by you and your team and, if necessary, edit them.
[en] To find a constant, go through the cards list or enter the constant name or tags in the search bar and press Enter in your keyboard. Each decision card shows its name, when it was last updated and its tags (if any). When you click a decision, it opens and you can see the configuration of the decision contract and rules.
[en] In addition, you can import others created in a different environment; for example, a constant created in a testing environment that you need to use in your production environment. You can also export constants to your device (in JSON format) to then import them in other environments.
[en] Read Create or Edit a Constant to learn how to configure a new constant or modify the configuration of an existing one.