[en] Configure
[en] This function allows you to configure the Glia Visitor Widgets SDK from scratch. You should use this function early in the app's lifecycle (e.g. when starting the application). This way, by the time you need to start the communication, the configuration will already be completed and the engagement will initialize immediately.
[en] In this function, you must configure the input register values shown in the Input Registers section.
[en] Function ID
[en] Register | [en] Value |
110 | 1 |
[en] Input Registers
[en] Register | [en] Description | [en] Mandatory | [en] Value |
390 | [en] Configuration JSON | [en] Yes | [en] String containing the following information:
[en] The JSON here provided should be structured as follows: { "siteApiKeyId":"9ba0450a-7cda-48fb-893a-303456abe852", "siteApiKeySecret":"gls_YgUfIGSYM4NCQwaaAeekQLxaEmvfCTz402nw", "siteId":"e5be85e9-dd26-4cbd-b0cd-ac375bb5ec95", "environmentRegion":"us", "companyName":"VERITRAN", "screenSharingMode":"BOUNDED" } |
391 | [en] Unified UI customization JSON | [en] No | [en] String containing color and style settings to customize the chat. Refer to Glia documentation to learn more about the customization options available. [en] The JSON here provided should be structured as follows: { "globalColors": { "primary": string, "secondary": string, "baseNormal": string, "baseLight": string, "baseDark": string, "baseShade": string, "background": string, "systemNegative": string } "chatScreen": { Object Chat }, "callScreen": { Object Call }, "surveyScreen": { Object Survey }, "bubble": { Object Bubble }, "alert": { Object Alert }, "callVisualizer": { Object CallVisualizer }, "secureConversationsWelcomeScreen": { Object SecureConversationsWelcomeScreen }, "secureConversationsConfirmationScreen": { Object SecureConversationsConfirmationScreen }, "webBrowserScreen": { Object WebBrowser }, "snackBar": { Object SnackBar } } |
[en] Output Registers
[en] Register | [en] Description | [en] Value | ||||||||||||||||||||||
112 | [en] Call Result |