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Procesos lambda

[en] Lambda processes allow you to add logic to the front-end of your app, thus allowing the end user to interact with it. These processes are built using a visual programming language (VPL) and are composed of blocks with actions that, sequentially executed, allow processes to perform complex tasks. For example, adding logic to a screen button to invoke a transaction that validates the user and password in a login process or that executes a money transfer.

 En los procesos Lambda, los bloques representan una variedad de funciones y operaciones que pueden involucrar transacciones, registros, matrices, condicionales y más.

[en] The editor also provides simulation and debugging tools to easily identify mistakes in the creation of your process and fix them.

[en] Navigate the Lambdas Editor

[en] If you already know how to navigate through the editor and which are its main functionalities, but need further information on how to create a lambda step by step, refer to Create a Lambda Process to see a real example on how to build it.Create or edit lambda process

[en] When accessing the Lambdas Editor, you see its three main sections: the left panel with its blocks, the canvas and the process basic info panel to the right. You can also see the top menu, that contains actions to save your lambda, and to test it using the Quick Publish feature —to test the changes applied to a lambda without generating and publishing the entire app—or the Quick Run feature —to test the changes on a mobile device in real time without saving updates to the app configuration.

Consulta la lista de bloques para buscar información sobre bloques específicos, agrupados por categoría.

[en] The canvas shows the on start block for you to start adding blocks to your lambda process. You can also see the Simulator toggle on the top of the canvas, and the option to change the canvas view from block to code view, to see the typescript code that corresponds with your blocks and fix any problem in the lines of code.Lambdas editor canvas

[en] In the process basic info panel, you complete the lambda name, description and tags to easily group and find your processes. Click Close to collapse this section. To open it again, click the information icon to the right of the canvas.


[en] As you access the editor, the canvas shows the on start block for you to start adding blocks to build your lambda process. You can also see the Simulator toggle on the top of the canvas, and the option to change the canvas view from block to code view, to see the typescript code that corresponds with your blocks and fix any problem in the lines of code. The code view also allows you to copy the lines of code of any lambda and paste them into another one.


[en] The Unit test feature on the top right corner of the canvas is currently not available and should not be used.

[en] While in code view, if there are any problems in the lines of code, the Problems section appears at the bottom of the screen. Click the section to open it and find out what the problem is and where to find it. If you want to change the view before fixing a problem, a modal opens, specifying that the code cannot be converted to blocks. You can then choose to stay in code view and fix the problem, or change the view and go back to the previous block version. You can still use some of the blocks in the left menu to drag code into the canvas while in code view.

Los bloques se conectan ente sí verticalmente como un rompecabezas, donde cada tipo de bloque tiene su propia forma y una ranura con un diseño especial para que encaje, lo cual evita errores de sintaxis.

[en] Right click any block in the canvas to open a list of actions, which include the option to duplicate the selected block, to delete the selected block and the blocks within it, and to leave a comment associated to that block. Initial blocks such as the on start, on error and function blocks also include the option to collapse them in order to hide the blocks within them and make the lambda easier to read. You can also delete a block by dragging it back to the left panel or by clicking it (you will see the block borders turn white when selected) and pressing the Delete key. To undo any action, press CTRL + Z.

Con la herramienta de simulador, puedes probar la lógica del proceso lambda y proporcionarle al lambda los datos de entrada requeridos para que funcione según lo esperado.