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Crear o editar una app
[en] Create an Application

Para crear una app, dirígete a la página Applications y haz clic en + Create Application. Se abre la página Create Application. Consulta la imagen comentada y las secciones a continuación para saber más acerca de la información necesaria para crear la app.Applications

[en] Every time you save changes to your app, the Record Description modal opens for you to detail what changes were made. You can then access the history record of the changes made to the app in the Records page.

[en] The sections below provide detailed instructions on how to create your app:

  1. [en] Enter a name to identify the app. For example, Goldbank wallet prod.

  2. [en] In the Description field, enter a short text with comprehensive information about the app's purpose.

  3. [en] In the Statics resources id field, enter the path to the static resources repository generated for the app in your Gitlab project. For this example, enter: git-group-example/git-sub-group-example/git-project-example.

  4. [en] In the Client field, select a client from the drop-down menu. This option is only available for users with permissions on more than one client.

  5. [en] In the Product field, select a product from the drop-down menu, where you can see each product's description and its name between brackets. You can manage your products and create new ones from the Products page.


    [en] Only the products of the client previously selected are displayed.

  6. [en] In the Environment field, select an environment from the drop-down menu, where you can see each environment's name and its variant between brackets. You can manage your environments and create new ones from the Environments page.


    [en] Only the environments of the client previously selected are displayed.

Ubica el cursor sobre cada ficha para ver las configuraciones de la app y del producto. Estos parámetros se establecen por defecto, pero puedes editar la configuración de la app o del producto desde esta sección.

Editar la configuración de la app
  1. [en] To edit the application configuration, click the pencil icon in the Application chip. A panel opens, where you can edit the following information:

    Device type

    Haz clic en la flecha y selecciona uno de los tipos de dispositivos en el menú desplegable: phone, tablet o both.

    Screen orientation

    Haz clic en la flecha y selecciona una de las orientaciones de la pantalla en el menú desplegable: portrait, landscape or both.

    Test automation enabled

    Cambia el interruptor para habilitar el uso de herramientas de prueba automáticas.


    [en] The "Test automation enabled" and the "Low Code Test enabled" options should not be activated simultaneously as this generates conflicts.

    [en] Low Code Test enabled

    [en] Switch the toggle to enable the Low-Code Test feature in the app and be able to test it in Studio. This feature cannot be used in productive binaries or in apps with accessibility configurations in Studio.


    [en] The "Low Code Test enabled" and the "Test automation enabled" options should not be activated simultaneously as this generates conflicts.

    [en] Webview debug enabled

    [en] Switch the toggle to enable the debugging option for webview components. This option cannot be used in productive binaries.

    Certificate pinning

    Haz clic en el campo e introduce el dominio y el hash (o hashes) necesarios para restringir qué certificados se consideran válidos para tu app. Luego haz clic en + ADD CERTIFICATE para finalizar el proceso. Una vez que se agrega cada certificado, haz clic en el icono del lápiz para editarlo o en el icono de la papelera para eliminarlo.

    CA Certificates

    Haz clic en el campo e introduce los certificados digitales de CA utilizados para verificar los certificados SSL firmados por cada entidad emisora de certificados. Luego haz clic en + ADD CA CERTIFICATE para finalizar el proceso. Una vez que se agrega cada certificado, haz clic en el icono del lápiz para editarlo o en el icono de la papelera para eliminarlo.

    [en] XpressPlug entry point

    [en] Switch the toggle to enable the XpressPlug integration. This option allows you to generate an iOS binary integrated with XpressPlug.


    [en] This option is only available for iOS. Make sure you have the iOS platform configured in your app's platform configuration section.

    [en] When enabled, the option to upload the JSON file required for the integration becomes available. Click Upload file to select the file from your desktop.

  2. [en] Once you have edited the necessary fields, click Save to implement the changes and close the panel.

Editar configuración del producto

[en] Read the instructions below to learn how to edit the product configuration.


[en] If you need to complete any of these fields but you don't have the necessary information, contact the IT team.

  1. [en] Click the pencil icon on the Product chip. A panel opens, where you can edit the following information:

    Mstm version

    Haz clic en el campo e introduce la versión deseada del protocolo MSTM (mensajería interna). La opción sugerida es «2». También puedes usar las flechas a la derecha para establecer el número.

    [en] Delta version

    [en] Enter the desired delta configuration version: "0" activates the fat version, "1" activates the split version, "2" activates the full delta version. You can also use the arrows to the right to set the number. By default, the delta version is set in 2 and cannot be modified.

    [en] Mstm version

    [en] Enter the desired MSTM (internal messaging) protocol version. The option suggested is "2" as it should match the delta version. You can also use the arrows to the right to set the number.

    [en] Working key type

    [en] Enter the type of end-to-end encryption desired. "0" to use Diffie Hellman end-to-end encryption or "1" to use PKI (Public Key Infraestracture) end-to-end encryption. The CRC header type needs to be activated to use one of these options. You can also use the arrows to the right to set the number.


    [en] Diffie Hellman end-to-end encryption has been deprecated and should not be selected.

    Veritran secret code

    Haz clic en el campo e introduce el código secreto definido para la app. El código secreto se usa para acceder a la información de configuración de la app desde un dispositivo mientras se inicializa la app.

    [en] Device handler certificate

    [en] Enter the Device Handler certificate used to secure communication with end-to-end encryption. This certificate needs to be the same as the one created in the platform's middleware for the product selected.

    [en] VTNetworking

    [en] Switch the toggle to enable the library. When transactioning against VT-NET, this library verifies the information and logs it into Crashlytics. All new apps should have this option enabled.


    [en] This feature is still being tested and only available for beta users. Contact the Mobile Builder team before enabling it.

    Working key persisted

    Haz clic en el interruptor de alternancia para desactivar esta opción. Por defecto, el interruptor está activado.


    [en] Diffie Hellman end-to-end encryption has been deprecated and should not be selected.

    Certificate pinning

    Haz clic en el campo e introduce el hash (o hashes) obtenido de VT-Gateway necesario para restringir qué certificados se consideran válidos para su producto. Luego haz clic + ADD CERTIFICATE HASH para finalizar el proceso. Una vez agregado, tienes la opción de eliminar (icono de papelera a la derecha) cada hash.

  2. [en] Once you have edited the necessary fields, click Save to implement the changes and close the panel.

[en] The instructions below explain how to configure the platforms (iOS, Android and Harmony) for which you want to generate an app binary.

  1. [en] In the Platforms section, click + Add platform in the Platforms section. A panel opens on the right side of the screen.

  2. [en] Select a platform from the drop-down menu (iOS, Android or Harmony).

  3. [en] Then, configure the following parameters:


    Haz clic en la flecha y selecciona una versión en el menú desplegable. Consulta la página Versions para ver una lista de las versiones existentes con sus estados actuales. Este campo es obligatorio.Versions


    Haz clic en el campo e introduce un nombre para identificar la plataforma.


    Haz clic en el campo e introduce un ID para el paquete utilizado para instalar la app en un dispositivo. Esta información es necesaria para agregar la app a cualquier tienda. Un ejemplo de la estructura de un ID es: Puedes introducir un ID diferente para cada plataforma y sobrescribir el introducido en la sección Información básica al crear la app.


    Los identificadores son únicos y no se pueden reutilizar para otras apps.

    [en] Store URL

    [en] URL of the store where the app will be published (App Store for iOS, Google Play Store for Android and AppGallery for Huawei). This field is mandatory.

    [en] Repo encryption version

    [en] The application stores its information in repositories that are persisted in the device storage with a specific encryption mechanism that depends on the plataform. Enter the version with which encryption is performed: "0" for software-based encryption, "1" for hardware-based encryption (only available for iOS) or "2" for secure storage (only available for Android).


    [en] Options "1" and "2" involve higher security levels and should be used for all new apps.

    [en] Revision to force full configuration download

    [en] This value allows the binary to identify if the app configuration changed from that already available in the server and should be downloaded or not. If the value is set to 0, the binary will not download the configuration. If the value is set to 99999, the app will always re-download the configuration. If the field is left incomplete, the app will always re-download the configuration.

    [en] Min. SDK version (only available for Android and Harmony)

    [en] Enter the minimum Android or Harmony version compatible with the app.

    [en] Min. iOS version (only available for iOS)

    [en] Enter the minimum iOS version compatible with the app.

    [en] Split APK (only available for Android and Harmony)

    [en] Enable this option to generate a different .apk file for each device architecture, instead of generating a single file for all devices. This allows generating smaller files that will take up less space on the devices.


    [en] This option is only available for existing apps' .apk files. Android and Harmony apps published in stores for the first time use .aab files and do not have this option available.

    [en] Http traffic Whitelist (only available for Android and Harmony)

    [en] Enter a URL to allows traffic without security from the specified domain. It is used for widgets and webviews. Once added, you have the option to edit (pencil icon to the right) or delete (trash icon to the right) each domain.

    Min. SDK version

    Haz clic en el campo e introduce la versión mínima del SDK. Este campo sólo aparece en la configuración para Android y Harmony.


    [en] This option is only available for projects who have acquired the Tamper Plus feature. For more information about the feature and the modes available, contact the Mobile Builder team.

    [en] When enabled, two configurations appear:

    [en] Select security level

    [en] Choose between the two security modes available:

    • [en] Hard: Interrupts the use of the app if a threat is detected.

    • [en] Soft: The app continues functioning after the threat is detected.

    [en] In both cases, a non-fatal issue report is generated in Crashlytics.

    [en] Securely closed

    [en] Switch the toggle to enable the option. The outcome varies depending on the previous configuration:

    • [en] If the security level is set to hard and this option is enabled, a message with the error code ua599 is displayed, notifying of a threat and preventing the normal flow of the app from continuing.

    • [en] If the security level is set to hard and this option is not enabled, the app will unexpectedly close.

    • [en] If the security level is set to soft, the app continues functioning regardless of whether this option is enabled or disabled.

    Universal Domains

    Rellena los campos de esta sección para establecer las URL que abrirán la app cuando se descargue en el dispositivo.


    Introduce el dominio. Por ejemplo:

    Path type

    Elige un tipo de ruta. Las opciones disponibles son:


    Interpreta el texto especificado en el campo Path de acceso como una ruta de acceso y abre la dirección URL sólo con esa ruta de acceso concreta. Por ejemplo, si completas el campo con /test, se abrirá la URL .

    Path prefix

    Interpreta el texto especificado en el campo Path de acceso como un prefijo y abre todas las direcciones URL que incluyen ese prefijo. Por ejemplo, si completas el campo con /test, se abrirán direcciones URL como, y

    Path pattern

    Interpreta el texto especificado en el campo Path de acceso como un patrón de ruta de acceso y abre todas las direcciones URL que incluyen ese patrón en cualquier segmento. Por ejemplo, si completas el campo con /test/.* , se abrirán todas las URL que incluyan «test» como segmento de ruta, como y


    Introduce la ruta que deseas abrir. Por ejemplo: /test.

    Luego haz clic en + ADD UNIVERSAL DOMAIN para finalizar el proceso. Una vez que se agrega cada dominio, haz clic en el icono del lápiz para editarlo o en el icono de la papelera para eliminarlo.

  4. [en] Click Add to finish the process. Repeat these steps with each platform you want to add.

Coloca el cursor sobre cada ficha para ver los detalles de las plataformas añadidas. Haz clic en el icono de eliminación (x) en cualquier ficha de plataforma para eliminarlo. Para editar una plataforma, haz clic en el icono del lápiz en la ficha de esa plataforma. Puedes editar todos los campos excepto el nombre de la plataforma. Haz clic en Save en la parte inferior del panel para implementar los cambios.

  1. [en] To integrate a new SDK to your app, click + Add SDK in the SDKs section. A panel opens.

  2. [en] Select an SDK from the drop-down menu and review the platforms selected (Android, iOS or Harmony) . By default, all the platforms configured for your app at the moment of adding the SDK are selected. You can unselect the ones where you do not want to include the SDK. Make sure to have the selected platforms added in the Platforms section to avoid issues when generating the app.

  3. [en] Complete the parameters required to enable that SDK. Hover over the question mark icon to the right of each field to get additional information about the SDK configuration.


    Cada SDK requiere que complete diferentes parámetros para su configuración. Si tienes preguntas sobre cómo completar estos parámetros, ponte en contacto con tu administrador.

  4. [en] Click Add to finish the process. Repeat these steps with each SDK you want to add.

Haz clic en el icono de eliminación (x) en cualquier chip SDK para eliminarlo de la app.

  1. [en] To activate tamper detectors for your app, this is, preventive measures to avoid any attempt to tamper with your app without your consent, find the detector in the list and click the the checkbox to the left. By default, all detectors are enabled except for the Integrity detector. To activate all the tamper detectors at once, click the Tamper Detection checkbox at the top of the list. See the table below to learn more abour each tamper detector:


    Impide la eliminación de bugs de la app. El modo sugerido para este detector es «soft».


    Comprueba las llamadas a funciones del sistema. El modo sugerido para este detector es «hard».


    Evita el uso de la app en un dispositivo rooteado. El modo sugerido para este detector es «hard».


    Impide el uso de la app en un emulador. El modo sugerido para este detector es «hard».


    Comprueba la integridad de la app validando sus certificados.

  2. [en] Then, edit any tamper detector as desired. To do so, find it in the list and click the pencil icon. A panel opens, where you can edit the following settings:


    Modo en el que se ejecutará el detector. Haz clic en el campo y selecciona una opción en el menú desplegable. Haz clic en soft si solo deseas que el detector le advierta sobre cualquier intento de manipulación de tu app. Haz clic en hard si deseas que el detector bloquee cualquier otra acción si se detecta algún intento de manipulación de la app.


    Intervalo en el que se ejecutará el detector. Haz clic en el campo e introduce el intervalo en números.

    [en] Services

    [en] Enter the number of the transactions to which you want to apply the tamper detection.


    Comprobaciones realizadas por el detector. Por defecto, cada detector incluye diferentes comprobaciones. Haz clic en el icono de eliminación (x) de cualquier comprobación si no deseas incluirla en el proceso de detección. Para agregar más comprobaciones, haz clic en la flecha y seleccionalas en el menú desplegable o haz clic en el interruptor Include all checks para incluir todas las comprobaciones.


    Información utilizada para comprobar que el emulador se ha detenido. Haz clic en el campo y selecciona el paquete o paquetes en el menú desplegable. Este campo sólo aparece en la configuración del detector de manipulaciones del emulador.

  3. [en] Click Save to implement the changes made to the tamper detectors and close the panel.

[en] You can change the order in which the detectors will be run. To do so, click the up and down arrows located to the right of each detector.

[en] Edit an Application

[en] To edit an existing app, find the desired app in the list and click the pencil icon to the right. The Edit application page opens, where you can edit the parameters configured during the creation process or add new ones. Once you have edited all the necessary sections, click Save to apply the changes.

[en] Every time you save changes to your app, the Record Description modal opens for you to detail what changes were made. You can then access the history record of the changes made to the app in the Records page.