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[en] Generate an App Binary Integrated with XpressPlug

[en] To generate an iOS binary integrated with XpressPlug to test the app or to deliver a template app to the client, follow these steps:

  1. [en] In the Versions section, configure the version to support XpressPlug by switching the Supports xpressplug toggle on in that version's configuration.


    [en] Only the Platform Team can edit a version. If you don’t have the permissions, you won't have this option available. Contact the Mobile Builder team for assistance.

  2. [en] Configure your app's Application Configuration to support XpressPlug. To do so:

    1. [en] Switch the XpressPlug entry point toggle on.

    2. [en] When enabled, the option to upload the JSON file required for the integration becomes available. Click Upload file to select the file from your desktop.

    3. [en] Click Save to implement the changes.

  3. [en] To launch the build that generates the binary integrated with XpressPlug, find the app in the list and click the Launch build icon, or access the Builds page and click Launch. The Lauch build modal opens for you to select the settings for the build. To do so, follow these steps:

    1. [en] Choose the technology used for the integration with XpressPlug. By default, the Native option is selected and cannot be modified.

    2. [en] Choose the platform where that build will be launched. By default, the iOS option is selected and cannot be modified.

    3. [en] Choose the iOS version from the drop-down menu.


      [en] Only versions with the Supports xpressplug option enabled are displayed.

    4. [en] In the Binary artifact name field, enter a name for the file that will be generated (.ipa for iOS and .aab or .apk for Android and Harmony). Use lowercase letters, numbers, ., - or _. Do not use uppercase letters or spaces. For example: goldbank-ios-xppg.

    5. [en] Click Retain project to log specific information on the project for which it was generated for debugging purposes.


      [en] This option is only available for the Platform Team.

    6. [en] If you want to force a specific branch version for an SDK, enable the Force SDKs versions toggle. Complete with the library's name and the branch version desired for any of the platforms, following the structure library:version,library:version. Use snake_case for the library name, followed by a colon and the version name. Use commas to separate libraries names and do not use spaces. For example: blink_id:7.8-stable,firebase:hotfix/my_hotfix.

    7. [en] Finally, click Launch to generate the iOS binary integrated with XpressPlug.