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[en] Read below to learn how to navigate apps, modules and transactions' Overviews while in Studio.

[en] Apps and Modules Overview

Una vez que hayas seleccionado la app o el módulo y la rama, se te redirige a la vista general de esa rama, desde donde puedes acceder a la barra de navegación con todas las acciones y entidades necesarias para construir tu app o módulo. Consulta las secciones siguientes para aprender cómo navegar por el overview.Construcción

  • En la sección General, aprendes a crear y editar parámetros y registros que son globales para todas las apps del entorno. También puedes crear parámetros locales.Crea o edita un parámetro

  • [en] From the Data category, you can create and edit local and global variables, parameters and site parameters.Crea o edita un parámetro

  • [en] From the Design category, you can access different features to upload assets to use them in your apps and to create and edit themes, views , components, component libraries and app layout templates for your app.Crea o edita un componenteComponent LibraryCrea o edita una plantilla de diseño de app

  • [en] From the Logic category, you can access the function library and processes pages in order to manage your app's logic.Function LibraryProcesos

  • [en] From the Quality Assurance category, you can access the Low-Code Test feature (only for apps) to test your app or Diagnostics to find any issues within your app or module's entities.

  • [en] Lastly, the Management category contains a list of tools to manage your app's or module's branches in Studio. Also, it provides a direct link to GitLab.


Desde el overview en Studio, puedes acceder a las funcionalidades más utilizadas de una app o un módulo mediante atajos específicos.

  • Estos son los atajos de apps: Processes, Screens, Site parameters, Transactions, Settings, App Flow, Diagnostics y Generate & Publish.

  • Estos son los atajos de módulos: Processes, Screens, Site parameters, Assets, Transactions, Settings, App Flow y Diagnostics.


[en] Clicking the Transactions shortcut will open the Transactions repository on the branch set as dependency of the app or module you are working on. This will open in a new browser tab.

[en] Other Actions

[en] On the top menu's right corner, you can find additional actions depending on whether you are working on an app or module. If you are working on an app or module, you can access App Flow to learn how your app is built or search for entities used within your app's screens. If you are working on an app, click Generate and Publish to publish your app.

[en] Transaction Logic Overview

[en] The Veritran platform allows you to implement complex business logic in your app by configuring transactions and invoking third-party services.

[en] Once you select the transaction repository's branch you want to work on, you are redirected to its Overview, where you can access the top menu with all the actions and entities necessary to build transactions. The top menu is divided into the logic and management categories.

  • [en] From the Logic category, you can access the list of the transactions available in Studio, as well as other elements that are part of a transaction's building process, such as libraries (made up of action and lambda libraries) and external services.

  • [en] From the Management category, you can access a list of tools that will help you manage your transaction's branches in Studio. Also, it provides a direct link to GitLab.

[en] Shortcuts

[en] From Studio's Overview, you can access the list of the transactions available in your branch, as well as other elements that are part of a transaction's building process, such as libraries (made up of action and lambda libraries) and external services.

Cambia o sal de la rama

[en] During the building process, you may need to switch to another branch, exit the current branch, or exit to the dashboard.

[en] To quickly switch branches, click the drop-down menu displaying the branch you are working on and select the branch you want to switch to. You can also search the branch by name instead of scrolling through the branches list.


[en] To exit the current branch and go back to the dashboard, click the Dashboard icon(dashboard.png) in the top menu. In both cases, all unsaved changes will be lost.

Published Targets

Si necesitas información sobre los últimos destinos publicados, incluido el nombre del destino, de la app y de la rama, y la fecha de publicación, haz clic en Published targets en la esquina superior derecha de la página. Esta información es útil para verificar si algún usuario acaba de publicar en el destino en el que también estás trabajando y evitar superponer la publicación de diferentes configuraciones.


[en] This is only available for apps.