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Function Library

En la librería de función, aparecen todas las funciones que se guardaron para reutilizarse, y puedes crear funciones reutilizables nuevas, duplicarlas y editarlas.


Editar la configuración de una función guardada en la librería de función modificará dicha función en todos los procesos que la contengan. Ten extremo cuidado.

[en] Navigate the Function Libraries page

[en] Follow these steps to access the Function libraries page:

  1. [en] In Studio's Dashboard, click the Apps or Modules tabs.

  2. [en] Choose the app or module you are working on.

  3. [en] A list of branches pops up. Select the branch you are working on.

  4. [en] The Function libraries page opens.


[en] From the Function libraries page, you can see the list of all the function libraries available in your branch with their ID, name, type, description, and the date it was last updated and the user that made the update.

[en] To search for a created function library in the list, use the search bar and search by any of the columns visible, such as ID, name or description. Additionally, click the + Create button to create a new function library.

[en] At the right corner of the toolbar, you can find the main actions you can perform over these function libraries. From this page, you can delete, edit or duplicate any selected function library. To do so, just click over the function library and these icons will become available in blue.